Happy Holidays!

There are quite a few holidays to celebrate on June 1st-which one(s) will you be observing?

I will be observing Dare Day by drinking a Budweiser Chelada, and I observed Flip A Coin Day already by flipping a coin to choose between the Bud/Clamato drink and drinking a glass of oat milk.
I will do a twofer(International Children’s Day and Hug An Atheist Day) by hugging an atheist child.
I’ve got olives to knosh on for Olive Day, and for Say Something Nice Day…I wouldn’t mind going bar hopping with Drunky Smurf


Hmmm…not sure which Holiday I’ll be observing. Have to flip a coin I guess.

I dare ya!

Benn pushing down some symptoms for over a week now. Oscar The Grouch Day for me!

I’d go full boat and hang out in a trash can in front of the house and scream at passersby, but it’s trash day and I don’t want any trouble.

BTW, observing National Go Barefoot Day might make National Leave The Office Early Day mandatory for a lot of you. :smiley:


Why don’t you wash that down with a donut; after all, it’s National Donut Day.

My local sports bar is supporting National Leave The Office Early Day by offering an extended Happy Hour. I think I’ll head on over and take advantage of it.