The first episode of season 2 of Happy! aired a couple of days ago. Anyone else watching/watched season 1? (I tried to look for CS posts with “happy” in the subject line, but search is broken.)
Season 1 is on Netflix and I watched it. I thought it was OK, but not as good as I was hoping for. I don’t know if I’m all that much up for a second season.
I don’t know if I liked Happy S2E1, but I laughed hysterically and if someone calls me up while I’m watching next weeks episode I will deal with them rudely.
Also, I loved season 1. I think the first episode was the best but I also re-watch the end of episode 6 / beginning of episode 7. And pretty much everything else. Not wild about episode three.
Right now I can’t recall episode 3, but I agree with you on the rest.
“I can never unsee that <sobbing>”
I loved it. “Oh you’ve fallen. Here let me help you.” “I think we’ve all learned a lesson here today.”
Where will they go with the armpit hair? gleeful cackle
The wife and I loved season 1. The opening scene alone was just so amazing and original. Definitely set the tone.
Sure, there were weak spots, but I was definitely on board for the wild ride.
Ep 1 of season 2 was pretty funny, but I didn’t feel the battle royale of exploding nuns quite had the charm of the season 1 opener. Definitely still on board, though. Christopher Meloni is hilarious, especially with his physicality, and of course Patton is amazing in his voice work.
Thank you. I loved the first season, but didn’t notice that the second season had aired. To the DVR!
Fortunately, I checked right off - the first episode was available on “On-Demand” but expired at midnight. Enjoyed it a lot and will be recording later episodes.