Hardest Life Lesson for you to learn

If someone’s made the decision to be unhappy, there’s nothing you can do but walk away until they’ve decided to try to be happy again.

I’ll spare you the ongoing story behind this one and just hope I remember my own lesson.

“I guess it is possible for one person to make a difference, although most of the time they probably shouldn’t.”

Many, many good ones here. But the very hardest of all for me to learn, which I still have a lot of trouble with, is:

Knowing when to say I can’t.

Hippie, that is definitely the hardest for me. The second hardest took me until I was in my late twenties to learn - not everyone is going to like me.

There isn’t someone for everyone.
Dreams don’t always come true.

to steal from the 2 john’s:

No one in the world ever gets what they want - and that is beautiful

Everybody dies frustrated and sad - and that is beautiful.

Magnificent to behold - Greatly to be praised.

At the risk of being repetitous, I’ll clarify something that has probably occurred to no one else but me.

I fear that previous post gave some impression that I’d switched over to one of the afterlife philosophies - that’s not the case. What I meant to say was:

If I’m still alive when this current travail (be it IRS audit or car rolling down bayou bank) is over, there’s more to come…

Any better?

Somewhat depressing, but with a grain of truth, heard from a customer recently:

“Life’s a shit sandwich, and every day is another bite.”

Narrowly missing the topic, I guess.