I’m just curious… is HWSNBN the same HWSNBN as before? At least for the first few years I was around, it was P~D~ (still not gonna name him!! Hell no!)… is it still, or has the title moved on?
What, we aren’t supposed to name pldennison anymore?
Yup. It’s still him.
(No, not pldennison! )
Okay, as long as I wasn’t taking the name of pldennison in vain…
Hi Phil!
I’m with Harry on this one – I’m saying his name!
C’mon everybody, say it with me!
Im totally lost, I guess I will never know because if he is not supposed to be named, nobody will name him.
Why is it we are not supposed to name this un-nameable person?
[conspiritorial whisper]…because naming them gives them power…[/conspiritorial whisper]
No. (Sheeesh, newbies.) On this SDMB web site, HWSNBN dates to the November 1999/February 2000 period. I doubt that the HWSNBN of AOL/SDMB infamy (Autumn 1997) has ever posted to this MB.
Should he ever return, just try to get him to say his name backwards, and he’ll go away again. Hopefully for good.
He who shall be named,
Isn’t HWSNBN an allusion to HPL? I assume that’s what Fnord1966 came in here for.
Voldemort! Good one frank!!!
Ok, why a thread about me? I’m flattered and all, but I’ve got an important meeting with Cthulhu and then I’ve got to open the gate… I’m simply SWAMPED.
And here I thought this was about JDT.
Cmon everyone! Say the name! JDT or…the man who MUST be mentioned in all threads…
Buncha smartalecks . . . Why, I oughta . . .
…if you haven’t got your health, you haven’t got anything…
I just re-read the OP and noticed Opal’s mincing of the name. Therein lies some of the confusion. Both twits had usernames beginning P and both had a D near the middle of their names (although the capitalization was different between them).
Hmmmm. Maybe there is some cabbalistic power to initial Ps and middle Ds? Should we start up a witch hunt to purge the board of anyone with that combination?
(Ehhh…Prolly not.)
Ok I’ll be more clear… is the current HWSNBN P~rkyD~~ ?
No. He’s long gone and if Tom sez he hasn’t been back, that’s good enough for me. Gawd, I even remember that episode from my AOL lurking days.
The person currently referred to as HWSNBN was a participant in the ill-starred “The Earth is Flat” thread, and owes Manhattan money.