HeightMax: The Natural[sup]1[/sup] Supplement That’s Gauranteed[sup]2[/sup] (sic) To Add Inches.
My hunch: Either some wholesaler needs room in his warehouse for a new container-load of Didi-7 from Germany and decided to repackage all their male growth supplements that no longer sell -or- a new snake-oil company decided to borrow a few taglines from the people who brought you ‘Penis-Max’
[sup]1[/sup]By my strict definition, natural means ‘present in nature’. With the exception of 5 man-made radioactive elements on the periodic table, everything else found on this planet is natural.
[Sup]2[/sup]Either their web development team doesn’t have the best spellers…or by purposely spelling ‘guaranteed’, they’re not really guaranteeing anything.
I have a few questions (some of which border on rhetorical):
Are people going to fall for this scam again? By my estimation, at least 10% of the American population should have dicks that reach their knee and less than 5% body fat.
In a quest to achieve the fame that’s within his reach, will Randy Newman (ala Ron Jeremy is the Size-Maxx ads) start hawking this amazing new product?
How many weeks until other firms start selling a similar supplement - And more importantly what names will they come-up with?[ul][]Shaq-R-2?[]MiracleGro - Human Formula?[*]Teeny-Whacker?[/ul]