HeightMax: Repackaged Penis Growth Supplements That Are Guaranteed To Make Someone $

HeightMax: The Natural[sup]1[/sup] Supplement That’s Gauranteed[sup]2[/sup] (sic) To Add Inches.

My hunch: Either some wholesaler needs room in his warehouse for a new container-load of Didi-7 from Germany and decided to repackage all their male growth supplements that no longer sell -or- a new snake-oil company decided to borrow a few taglines from the people who brought you ‘Penis-Max’

[sup]1[/sup]By my strict definition, natural means ‘present in nature’. With the exception of 5 man-made radioactive elements on the periodic table, everything else found on this planet is natural.

[Sup]2[/sup]Either their web development team doesn’t have the best spellers…or by purposely spelling ‘guaranteed’, they’re not really guaranteeing anything.

I have a few questions (some of which border on rhetorical):
Are people going to fall for this scam again? By my estimation, at least 10% of the American population should have dicks that reach their knee and less than 5% body fat.

In a quest to achieve the fame that’s within his reach, will Randy Newman (ala Ron Jeremy is the Size-Maxx ads) start hawking this amazing new product?

How many weeks until other firms start selling a similar supplement - And more importantly what names will they come-up with?[ul][]Shaq-R-2?[]MiracleGro - Human Formula?[*]Teeny-Whacker?[/ul]

IANAL, but I recall when one puts the words ‘natural’ in their product description, it somehow allows them to make medical claims without having to submit to FDA testing. Or something similar to that.