Heinz Tomato Ketchup

Follow up question:

I was at Applebees today with my wife, and the Heinz ketchup bottle said, “Grown, not made,” in regards to the tomatoes they use.

What is that supposed to mean?

Here is a somewhat OK photo:


Hmmm, I stand corrected. Thank you.:slight_smile:

I guess I was remembering the bottles from the 70s and early 80s. They did say catsup back then. I remember it clearly. I wonder when they changed it to ketchup?

Organic with natural fertilizer, as opposed to hothouse tomatos, I’m guessing?

Does Mickey D’s use Heinz these days? For a long time I think they made their own due to a dispute with Heinz.

If Heinz is back in McD’s good graces perhaps they get their own recipe made for them by Heinz, knowing how clinical McDonald’s approach is I wouldn’t be surprised if they specifically requested a sweeter recipe because it tested better with their fry recipe.

I notice the packets say “fancy” ketchup my guess is the fancy might be extra sugar.

If you look on the label on the back it explains that “every tomato in every bottle of Heinz Ketchup is grown from Heinz seeds. Grown not made”

Whatever that means.

I believe it was Modern Marvels I was watching where they showed ketchup packets being made. I don’t recall if it was Heinz or not, but the narrator did say that McDonald’s has their very own recipe.

I’m pretty sure it was the Fast Food episode of Modern Marvels I saw it on.

Yes, I read that as well and still don’t get what it means.

A few years back one of the major companies had a “carb options” ketchup, it may have been Heinz. It was basically the same as their normal recipe except it didn’t have like 8 cups of sugar in it. Weird at first, but I grew to like it a lot. Can you still get that stuff anywhere, or maybe is there another brand where there isn’t twice as much sugar as tomato in their ketchup?

There was a whole line of these products from a major food company - with different sauces, cheese dips, etc. I haven’t seen them around for years. I’d like to get my hands on that stuff again.

Heinz had low carb catsup. Still do but they changed the name to reduced sugar. Same ingredients though.

I’m still doing the low carb thing and it’s really hard to find packaged anything specific to my needs. I miss the KC Masterpiece bbq sauce without sugar.

Yeah, unfortunately the “craze” from the low carb stuff died down and you can’t get the food anymore at regular grocery stores- I don’t know if there are specialty shops.

Some of the low carb stuff was frankenfood, but a lot of it was just the stuff you’d normally by, with the same brands even, that was pretty much the same thing without all the added high fructose corn syrup. It was not only healther (even if you weren’t trying to low carb) but some of it actually tasted better - it wasn’t drowned out with sweetness.

Well, I just compared Burger King’s ketchup packets with my bottled, and to me they are exactly the same. Tomorrow I will go to McDonald’s. I’m sure the foodie world is waiting on pins and needles for my report.

Developed in the old-fashioned style, not genetically modified? Just a guess.

I never buy ketchup or catsup. I buy Heinz chili sauce. I’ve never understood why it’s called that, as it doesn’t taste like chili and isn’t hot. It just seems like a better grade of ketchup–I think it has a thicker, pulpier texture and may be less sweetened.

Unless your local Mickey D’s is one of the few rogue franchisees that’s serving Heinz, I think you’ll find no such thing on the packet. Cite

I’m gonna be the one crazy in the thread who likes Hunt’s. I’m not alone, though


Hunt’s rocks. Was going to do a thread asking if anyone liked Hunt’s better.

I think this might be the one you mean.

Ketchup and catsup are the same thing. The only difference is the spelling.

A Consumer Reports review may debunk the whole Gladwell “Heinz is perfect” meme…


Another shot at Gladwell, the boy at the top of the hill (link to early SDMB thread)