Hello Ophthalmic Surgeon

So on Monday, I have to visit the above surgeon to have (surprisingly) surgery on an eye.

I assure you it wasn’t from reading this thread.

It is for some microscopic cysts growing near a tear duct which can’r be ruled out as being a sun cancer. Basically, the surgeon wants to nail them before they can get into the duct.

I have avoided thinking about it until today when I got the account from the anaethetist before the operation. I am wondering if he considers I could shed this mortal coil and wants his dibbs up front.

If I do croak, can I leave my Charter member title to Handsome Harry who I am sure is quite envious of the status?

I suggest you do NOT prepay. If you’ve paid up front, they don’t really have much of an incentive to keep you alive, now, do they???

Apropos of nothing, I just read that Final Destination 5 is going to feature a death by eye surgery.

If you do survive, use the eye drops afterward. (video)

Thanks Mama Zappa and Tom Tildrum. I feel so good now I may just go and run a warm bath…

Uh-oh, he hasn’t posted in nearly 24 hours…

More seriously - good luck Monday. Will you be under general anesthesia? Is it one or both eyes?

Monday? As in tomorrow? Her Majesty’s Official Birthday Public Holiday? An Ophthalmologist is working on a public holiday? <faints>

Good luck with the surgery regardless, Cicero. I certainly hope you didn’t pay the anaesthetist in advance.

Still here. Monday isn’t a public holiday in Perth.

It’s only one eye thank Heavens.

Gotta love the Dope. Fancy having to find out on a US-based message board that Her Maj’s birthday isn’t a day off for Sandgropers.

Hope it goes well.

We had Foundation Day last week. Everything is weird in West Australia.

It was a mild panic today when I realised I didn’t have a time that I needed to be at the hospital. Fortunately that has now been resolved. (Don’t ask how I stuffed that up :frowning: )

When I am not thinking fondly of Her Maj today as one of her newest subjects, I shall be thinking of you.

Take it easy. Suggest you work back up to oogling women. Maybe start with some very tame 1950s still pinup girls and go from there. Give your eye a chance to heal properly. :wink:

Hope it goes well.

Well I survived. I now have to rescind all my new wills - hermette thought she was getting my Bay City Roller collection.

All went well- the cells weren’t cancerous. Just feels like my eye is full of grit.

Good news.

What have you got against hermette?

That’s what she wants to know :slight_smile:

I thought being Scottish she may enjoy that sort of music. Instead she asked for the three legged cat.

I’m glad to hear it went well. :cool: