It is for some microscopic cysts growing near a tear duct which can’r be ruled out as being a sun cancer. Basically, the surgeon wants to nail them before they can get into the duct.
I have avoided thinking about it until today when I got the account from the anaethetist before the operation. I am wondering if he considers I could shed this mortal coil and wants his dibbs up front.
If I do croak, can I leave my Charter member title to Handsome Harry who I am sure is quite envious of the status?
We had Foundation Day last week. Everything is weird in West Australia.
It was a mild panic today when I realised I didn’t have a time that I needed to be at the hospital. Fortunately that has now been resolved. (Don’t ask how I stuffed that up )
When I am not thinking fondly of Her Maj today as one of her newest subjects, I shall be thinking of you.
Take it easy. Suggest you work back up to oogling women. Maybe start with some very tame 1950s still pinup girls and go from there. Give your eye a chance to heal properly.