
Well my hubby racer72 finally has my computer up and running and showed me what I have been missing. I will be in the backround for a while till I get use to being on a computer. He wants me to write down the lingo I don’t understand. I’ll stop by when I can.

Welcome aboard!

Always room for one more…we’ll just water the beer and throw some more burgers on the grill!

Hi marshamouse. We’ll see y’around.

We are indeed pleased to have you here. Make yourself at home!

Have you seen my keys?

Eeeeek! A mouse!!!:eek:

NoClueBoy-I’ve been wanting to tell you-I remember that on the Tonight SHow that was great(edge of wetness)

carry on

No Clue Bob, the keys leg irons are on the dungeon wall. The last time I saw the keys to the truck they were in the Cheese Whiz.

Welcome! Are you a racer fan too?

marsha marsha marsha!

Marsha Marsha Marsha!

pick the one on the left

And if you look to your left, marshamouse, you’ll see what we like to call a “simulpost.” More examples to come, I’m sure.


Hi marshamouse.

Be welcome. Enjoy your stay.

Welcome aboard. Enjoy the place. Have fun.

Only one little thing … it’s kinda embarrassing so most people won’t mention it. But … don’t step in the —

:: SPLOIK ::

— hamster poop.

Hi Marshamousehere’s a site that helped me when I was newhttp://www.netlingo.com/emailsh.cfm] & this there’s also a Vb code page, but I don’t remember where I found it. Anyone?

well, as you see, I’m still pretty green. :slight_smile:

Johnny Carson and his writers were pure geniuses of comedy.

On a different note:

Damn! You gots some real purdy feets!

Welcome! And you did bring some beer, right? :wink:

Hiya, marshamouse. Welcome to the boards.
And screw the beer, did you bring nachos? :wink:
