I am 23 and I love having sex with my boyfriend. However I can’t have an orgasm. What is wrong with me? Am I doing something wrong? I am starting to think that this problem is hurting our relationship. Please Help!!!
A most appropriate user name - that’s the cure for your problem.
Some women simply can’t get an orgasm from intercourse. They need stimulation of the clitoris for anything good to happen. My wife is this way.
I recommend masturbating frequently to learn more about your body. Perhaps invest in a vibrator.
Practice makes perfect. Once you know better what stimulates you, you can relay this vital info to your BF.
Good luck
Repeat of what others have said. Masturbate a lot. Get a toy. Be vocal during sex; tell him exactly what you want. He’ll love it, trust me. Unless he’s a Neanderthal, in which case you should dump him; never settle for anything but Cro-Magnon or higher.
Also, don’t worry. You share this problem with millions of women, many of whom learn how to orgasm and go on to have perfectly satisfactory sexual lives. By the way, it sounds like you have one already, as you say you love sex with your boyfriend. Remember: having an orgasm isn’t the be-all and end-all. If you’re happy and satisfied, it doesn’t matter if you achieve orgasm or not. The only thing that matters is how you feel. Orgasm is not a goal in itself: your satisfaction is.
Moving this to MPSIMS.
This ain’t what you’d call a “factual question” for the General Quesions Forum.
I’m not convinced that this is a real question at all, but I’ll give a new member a benefit of the doubt.
Sometimes it’s just a mental thing; you are concentrating too hard to cum and then you get disappointed when you don’t. It’s a negative cycle.
But there is hope. I suggest masterbation, and experimentation. Granted, I’m not a woman, but my fiance has no problem ‘giving her “O” face’ during our sessions. She does do this ‘trick’ though, when she’s close (and impatient :D), where she’ll hang on to my neck (I’m on top) and she’ll then grind into me, controling the motion and what not. This gets her where she wants to be and fast.
Don’t know if that’s too much TMI, but maybe it will help.
Depending an what you read (like this):
The number of females who do not orgasm AT ALL is not insignificant. Those who do not during intercourse is even larger. That doesn’t mean something is wrong.
Do you orgasm at other times?
Don’t drink too much before sex. That can really screw it up.
Maybe, but you have to admit, there is something really cool about drunkensex
Damn! If it wasn’t for booze, some of us wouldn’t have sex.
I’ll be willing to help if provided with room and board. LMK.
Lessee: a newbie (female) signs up with the handle “GoodLicken”, and her first post is about sex, with the word ‘cum’ in the thread title.
CK has to give her the benefit of the doubt. I don’t.
School’s out for summer.
Oh, but RT, isn’t this the part where you’re supposed to describe, in great detail, what exactly you would do to rectify the problem? Where’s your humanity, man?
Have you tried it with you on top or any other position? I find that I cum the best when I’m on top of my fiance, pushing my torso up to about a 45 degree angle, like doing a push up with hands on either side of his head, when I can control the movements Be open to the possibilities.
I also go along with others who say to masterbate so you know what you like and what an orgasm actually feels like.
Hope you have success, orgasms produce spectactular feelings like nothing else in life
Remember last years bout with fauxpas? What great times lie ahead with the letting out of school.:rolleyes:
Well, if he won’t than I will. Let’s see, along with 14 friends, a gallon of baby oil and the aid of a large rubber band I would……
Ok, now I am now in school. I am 23 and my boyfriend told me about this site. So I said what the heck i’ll give my question a try. I would like to thank everyone for your help. I now have some new things to try out. I love my boyfriend with all my heart and I just want to make him happy. This is the guy I want to spend my life with. We have sex a lot but sometimes I feel that I don’t make him happy in bed. I am just looking for some ideas to try to make things better.
Cool, you`ve cum to the right place then
Enjoy the stay.
I hope that you get what you want. The orgasm is a wonderful thing.
Now go post in some other threads so that you are not viewed in a poor light.
PS: My sig fits quite nice here.
What’s he’s gotta do is eat that pussy like a ravage dog. Make him wear a Bugs Bunny outfit and stick carrots up there.