So hanging with the parents when some brainless reminiscing ensued and I mentioned as a wee lad my parents letting me watch a movie with them on 1970s New Years eve that scared the crap out of me for years.
Of course, they have zero knowledge of this. My childhood memory may be faulty but after 3 hours going year by year on Wikipedia and not finding it, I am turning to the teeming millions.
Here is what I remember:
I believe the year was 1976-77 but DEFINITELY late 70s
The premise of the movie was that some lady had been given a little “tribal” doll that now reminds of those troll dolls. Anyway, this lady was told to never remove the necklace on the doll but she did anyway and the little bugger tries to kill her (all 6 inches of him).
She ends up killing him in the oven.
Any help on year and name of the movie… or did I dream this?
Must be Trilogy of Terror. My parents had an evil tribal doll like that. The thing was carved from wood and barely balanced on end. They put it on a high shelf in the living room and invariably a slight vibration would tip it over onto someone’s head.