Help me pick a team in our NCAA Tournament "draft"

My workplace is holding a “draft” for the NCAA Tournament. We all get a draft position, and get to pick a team. Prizes will be awarded for the tournament winner, as well as for upset winners (a good way to keep the people in positions like 50th still interested).

This year, I have the 7th pick. Since I really haven’t followed college basketball this year, help me by suggesting a team I should pick, with your reasons why. If you just name a team, that does little to tell me why I should go for them. I know we have some of the smartest sports fans on the Internet*; let’s prove it!

*My cite is having read other message boards and comment sections. Oy vey!

University of Arizona Wildcats
Reason: I went to the University of Arizona.

Here’s a link with the odds of each team to win the tournament, choose the team with the best odd of winning it that wasn’t selected by the 6 people choosing ahead of you.

(FYI: my sports wagering is limited to betting a nickel on the outcome of the Army-Navy football game with my father)

Well, that’s 5 cents more than what I have spent!

I wound up picking Kentucky, the fourth choice on that page, even though I suspect those odds are lower than they should be because it’s UK. (The same is probably true for Duke.)

A least you picked a Wildcats :slight_smile: