Help me, please, Arrested Development fans

For a team? How about that awful medication the Funke family band was promoting?


*Teamocil may cause numbness of the extremities.
*It may also cause short-term memory loss.
Whenever I take any pill, though, I call it a Forget-me-now.

No matter what your team is named, remind everyone they never make hat tricks.
They make hat ILLUSIONS!

The Franklins [baseline][‘come on!’]

“I’ve made a huge mistake” is a recurring line.

If The Never-Nudes was an actual hockey team, their uniforms would have to be no shirt and tiny cutoffs.

In honor of Lindsay, you could name a team SLUT. Not sure how that would go over, but the uniforms would be hot.

I think Bryan is on to something. Instead of just repeating an AD joke verbatim, integrating it into a hockey theme is perfect - and The Hat Illusions is brilliant.

Damnit I just came in here to post this.

It’s all the presentation, you see,

Even better: I’m no scar. Dot com.


I have to admit, I think The Hat Illusions is perfect for what the OP is asking for.