Will you guys help me look good? My department at work (webhosting tech support) is supposed to come up with a team name. All the good ones have been taken, including RTFM and Core Dump, but I know you guys can help me. PLEEEEEEAAAAASE?
I think “Toledo Mudhens” is still available.
“To do her justice, I can’t see that she could have found anything nastier to say if she’d thought it out with both hands for a fortnight.”
Dorothy L. Sayers
Busman’s Honeymoon
There ya go. Take that one and I’ll send ya some t-shirts.
What do I believe in? Not much that can’t be proven by logic and scientific experiment, and you better believe, I want to see the logic and laboratory equipment. --P.J. O’Rourke–
I always liked this one.
ID-10-T error
If you feel that you must suffer, then plan your suffering carefully–as you choose your dreams, as you conceive your ancestors.
You could make a pun on “web”. Like Cobb’s Web Support. Or Pain Webbers. Webbles - We Wobble but Won’t Let You Fall Down.
How about BIER? or Prisoners of Gravity?
the phoukas?
I work for the City of Berkeley, ergo, our website is known as the CoBWeb. Cute, huh? (Nah, I didn’t think so.)
“Not everybody does it, but everybody should.”
I Spy Ty.
North American Demons
The team chant is “GO NADS, GO NADS !!”
“Hope is not a method”
No, StoryTyler, I like it. Really. It confirms that I have the collective brains of everyone in the city of Berkeley. … Right?
The Team Formerly Known As Prince.
Well to look tough you could always use “The Webinators”
Or the Webonauts…
Or the Webutantes (thats not as tough I admit)
Just to give away the secret of these great names? Just put the word web at the beginning of other words. I know…whoda thunk it!
Lack of charisma can be fatal
Uncle Beer got it first try!
Whoohoo this is a smart bunch!
Lack of charisma can be fatal
Max, hon…how did I know you’d use that?
As for team names…hmmm. Well, my fantasy football team was the Beladonnas…no? Oh well. Nevermind!
“You are sweet, kind, and considerate… Like a grown up boy scout with tits!” - Brian, aka SDMB’s one and only Satan.
How about the Rabid Chipmunks? It would strike terror in the heart of your opponents, if they didn’t die laughing first.
I’ve always been tempted to name a team the Screaming Hairless Gerbils.
Dunno why
The Dave-Guy
“since my daughter’s only half-Jewish, can she go in up to her knees?” J.H. Marx
What about Chip Creep? =)
Mc[Ph|st]Y Cheesehead
“Software is like sex, it’s better when it’s free.” -Linus Torvalds on the software industry.
Free Beer, it might get you a few extra players ;).
You want brilliance BEFORE I’ve had my coffee!!!