Help Me Select A New Ring Tone! Win Absolutely Nothing

I need a new ring tone for my mobile (cell) phone. I have had “Me and Bobby McGee” for several years now and people look at me strangely when it rings in the supermarket. Fair enough, they probably do anyway.

Prior to that I had “Teach Your Children Well”, but that was a bit soft and although I could put the phone on vibrate, again people would look at you differently if you were in the shop and suddenly grabbed near your crotch if your phone started vibrating in your shorts.

So I am after suggestions.

The song would need to be loud enough to be heard (Send in the Clowns is out) and none of the crap that passes for music these days.

I was thinking maybe Born To Be Wild or something similar. (I have Cum Feel the Noise (Slade) as the alarm tone).

The one I’m using is still this:

Loud enough, but also slightly inobtrusive, I think.

Thanks for that. I had never heard of it before and it seems a little haunting- really nice. Maybe I should be thinking of something like “The Wizards of Winter” by the Trans Siberian Orchestra or perhaps something from the War of the Worlds.

You have opened new thought channels here :slight_smile:

This is Loreena McKinnett. I like some of her stuff.

If it’s not too dorky, I have the Futurama theme song, and I like it.


Surfin’ Bird.

Surfin Bird is a little too ancient for me! Thanks for the suggestion and I may use it when I hit 100!

I’m confused - youy can use a youtube clip for a ringtone or you’re just posting thise as examples but you need to but the ringtone lsewhere - yes I’m that far behind in smartphone stuff

This is mine: :smiley:
Love Boat Theme

Yup, you can use a YouTube clip in most smart phones but it might take a little work.

  1. Grab the audio off the clip. There are myriad ways to do this, but the easiest is usually to use a free service like ListenToYouTube.

  2. Upload the mp3 to your phone using a cable, email, Bluetooth, etc. Depending on your phone, some methods will be harder than others. I have a cheapie Android and using a cable is kind of a pain, but BT is pretty simple.

  3. Go into your phone’s ringtone settings and select the new mp3 as your ringtone.

There are other things you can do, such as editing the song so that it starts playing at the chorus instead of the beginning. I’m usually too lazy though and just pick a song that doesn’t have a long intro.

Years ago I posted the text from this* on my facebook wall. Honestly I don’t care what you’re cell phone sounds like, I just thought it was funny (and mine makes a ringing sound or as close to it as I can get).

*obligatory XKCD.

Cicero, how about some Band on the Run when it cuts to “if I ever get out of here,” or “and the rain exploded with a mighty crash?”

Given that it’s your title and all. :wink:

“Love Will Keep Us Together”; fun, upbeat intro, gotta love it! I had it as my ringtone for nearly 3 years and it made a bunch of people smile, even if it was out of pity!

I used to use the first 40 seconds of “Come Undone”, but it was too subtle. Lately its been “Street Life” by Randy Crawford.

PS- Possibly the best phone unsung phone accessory ever produced was the ability to tag different ringtones to different contacts. Like sisters, fer instance.

Granted, it does make it difficult to tell if its the one from the East or the one from the West. :wink:

I suppose my phone is the only one that uses an actual ring? But I like it because I can always tell it apart.

Mine is this:

Mulatto Butts!

(Archer’s ringtone)

a few bars of Peaches en Regalia.

The theme to National Geographic specials. That’ll get your attention.

I used to have the five tones from Close Encounters as my ring tone.

I need to put that on my new phone.