So, after a nice-but-ultimately-unsuccesful LDR with a super-hot-doper-woman, I’m single again. And I figure it’s time to spruce up my profile.
There are two parts to this challenge:
(a) Read the profile itself and critique what I’ve written. I’m “TinWoodman” on (I’m not sure how to make a link directly to my profile, but you can easily search by username from the main page).
(b) Help me pick a photo. I’m TERRIBLY unphotogenic. Part of that is just that I’m a bit goofy looking (frizzy hair, ears that stick out), and part is that I can’t smile convincingly on demand. The photos in which I generally look the best and happiest are usually ones in which I’m playing with my little baby cousins, but I don’t want a woman to look at the photo and immediately assume that I have kids of my own. Various potential photos are here in the rightmost album. And if your answer is “they all suck, get a new one”, that’s fine too.
(And, needless to say, if any dopers of the female persuasion are so overcome with desire at reading my profile that they wish to throw themselves at me, well, who could blame them?)
I didn’t have time to check the profile, but I took a glance at the pictures. As a hetereosexual guy, I don’t think you look bad. Just so long as your grooming and hygene habits are good, your chances are about as good as your average joe, and maybe better depending on your personality.
Pictures DSC00010 and DSC00014 are both pretty good, but too dark. I went ahead and took the liberty of brightening both of them up with a program I have and adding them to my photobucket profile. You should add one, the other, or both to your profile…though maybe you should seek a second opinion.
First off – I’d put the Dave Barry parenthetical remark actually in parentheses, because as it reads, it sounds like you’re saying he was class of '95, which, obviously, he wasn’t. (I actually know Dave Barry – and my brother went to Haverford [class of '71], though that’s not how I know Dave Barry.)
The one part that needs to be edited is the “favorites” – if it’s a list, add semicolons or something; if it’s not a list, it makes no sense whatsoever.
Go ahead and say “by the way, the kid with me in the pic below is my nephew.”
Other than that – excellent ad – if I weren’t 20 years too old and 3,000 miles too far away, I’d start flirting with you immediately. I can’t promise I won’t in the future.
You have a lot of good pics in your album, I love the large hole in the sand with the kids thing. Joe’s link 2 looks good too. lets you put up multiple photographs, so go ahead and load them!
“Board Favorite unfairly stereotyped art form: Musicals Shows I TIVO: Simpsons, Friends, ER, West Wing, and” means what exactly? You’re going to lose out on the girl of your dreams if she has a punctuation fetish.
Not a bad profile at all, do some fine-tuning and it’ll be great.
Agreed, those are my favorite of the bunch. Also the one w/ your cousin on your back is good cause you’re actually smiling a real smile! Smile more, damn you! OK, I’m done.
Also, if you use the pic with your cousin, as twickster said, clarify that he’s not yours just to avoid any confusion.
Last of all, my sympathy…I’m right there with you and it sucks majorly.
Okay, Max, I read the profile! I viewed the pictures! I have comments!
Aren’t you thrilled?!
I like the pictures you have up currently on your profile page. The only thing I can think of that might be a problem is that the picture with the kid might turn away any of the “anti-child” women out there, but since you stated you’d like children someday, it’s pretty much a moot point.
If I were you, I’d remove the term “dagnabbit” from my profile. It just sounds…well…weird, and I had a hard time taking you seriously after reading it.
I can’t think of anything else to say, other than I applaud your “any” listing under body type of the perfect date. It registers a “Hey! He’s not a shallow jerk!” with me.
The “dangnabbit” thing caused me some pause, too. I’d delete it. Also, the broadway musicals and small, cute living creatures. While it’s good to appear (and be!) sensitive, it’s possible to appear a bit too sensitive on first impression. I like masculine men and one thing I really noticed when I was cruising and other dating sites was that there were two main types of men on there: the masucline types who obviously just wanted a piece of ass and the uber sensitive guys who appeared borderline “wimpy.” On the rare occasion that I saw someone who seemed more “middle of the road” I was all over it.
Other than that, nice profile! And no spelling errors gets you bonus points. I remember when I was looking through some profiles back when I was looking and couldn’t believe how many spelling and grammar errors people had in their profiles! It’s such a little thing that can make such a big difference. Honestly people, you’re trying to make a good impression, take an extra 2 minutes and run a spell check.
Hmm. Somehow, my “interests” paragraph has gotten screwed up. It’s supposed to read “Favorite book: Godel, Escher, Bach – Favorite movie: The Iron Giant – Favorite website: Straight Dope Message Board – Favorite unfairly stereotyped art form: Musicals – Shows I TIVO: Simpsons, ER, West Wing, and 24”. Now I seem to be unable to edit it, however.
What the hell, man? I just looked at your profile and you haven’t made any of the changes suggested in the thread. Why should people continue to give input?
I have, I think. It takes a while for to update things. At least, I believe that the “interests” thing should be fixed now. I was waiting to hear a few more comments before deciding what to do about the photos.