As a totally disinterested outsider I’m sick of listening to people here moaning about how they can’t get a date–no, I’m not being positive enough. How about…
Kids! Tell your fellow Dopers you are in the market for a date! Never before in the history of the world has there been a broader selection of FUN! SMART! and SEXY! people all in one place and and here’s your chance to rip off a piece–I mean–hook up with the person of your dreams!
Just sign up below, tell us something about yourself, and maybe what you are looking for in a potential partner. (Sorry, girls, I’m taken!) And bear in mind that this is TOTALLY UNASSOCIATED with the Chicago Reader or its employees or the SDMB and I make NO GUARANTEES you won’t get raped, killed, or made very depressed by someone you meet through this service. However, your death WILL be avenged with a very stern Pit thread.
Sounds like fun; I’ll start it off (unless someone else gets there ahead of me!)
Well, I’m working for the Government of Canada this summer, doing some work on databases and webpages. I’m going into my third year at Carleton University, majoring in Computer Science and Business. 20 years old, and looking for a girl who’s out for a good time and not afraid to express herself.
Or if the whole using-another-personals-site thing is legally iffy, someone with a whack of web space could volunteer to put up a page, and we could use a profile template.
I believe the denial of all responsibility and promise of quick and earth-scorching reprisals should be sufficient. However, maybe a separate personals site or web page would be nice. Any offers?
Me: By the way, is there ANY possiblity WHATSOEVER that someone could start something here and NOT have loads of suggestions of how it could have been done better?
Young straight male seeks 2 supermodel caliber women for hot threesome action. Must be currently active supermodels. Dinner is on me. Willing to consider foursomes and fivesomes as well.
Hey, what the heck, I’ll jump in both-foot-ed-ly here.
Male, 32, freelance writer (don’t ask me what, I just got my first contract! :)) and something of a geek. Loves movies, loves long chats about matters intellectual or spiritual. Doesn’t smoke or drink. Has been known to be overly romantic at the drop of a hat. Just looking for someone pleasant to chat with. Oh, and a galleon to go raiding local ports…
I could be the first female to post here. But then I’d be admitting that I’m single. I suppose I just did that, eh?
29 (still 2 months from 30), grad student, former auditor but now I’m going to be a librarian. I have an excellent evil laugh and I want to learn to ride a bicycle since I never did as a child. Perpetually broke at this point in time, I’m planning to get a cat just to perpetuate the “crazy cat lady librarian” stereotype. I think it’s working.
I’m not particularly looking to date right now, but I do like meeting new people, whether online or in real life. Yes, I do have a shy streak, but if you can get past that, I think I’m a lot of fun.
23, male, white, gay, 6’1", 185 lbs, brown eyes, brown hair.
I graduated last year from the University of Chicago after having studied music. I still live in Chicago and need to fall in love…
I like to play the piano, sing, write, bike, lie in bed crying about the perceived lack of meaning in my life, etc.
I guess I’m looking for a guy who’s humble and intelligent. Someone who doesn’t understand anything but is hopeful and amazed nonetheless.
I have problems combining sex, intimacy, and relationships. They all seem so separate. This often makes me cold and push people away. It also makes me seek anonymous sex.
Oh and I love kitties just a little bit more than cereal with chocolate syrup and milk.
It’s Eve! The self-quoting borderline narcissexual!
By the way, can I do my part to promote “narcissexual”'s leap into the lexicon? It’s even better than santorum. It’s, you know, someone who is attracted to people who look just like them!
College grad.
Currently poor grad student.
Former 3rd grade Catholic grade school teacher.
Future professional fundraiser.
Humorously inept in the sack.
Willing to practice.
Indianapolis, Indiana.
May I suggest Singles DopeFests? They would be directed at those who are seriously interested in meeting someone for the purpose of romance. Do some mingling, flirting, blah, blah, blah, then e-mail your favorites when you get home. This could be huge!