Here I am, minty green. Something you want to say?

istara: I missed the paragraph about the committee. I feel compelled to respond, but for now I need some sleep. I’ll take it up with you some other time.

Nazis had ‘special commitees’.

While I admit I’ve never had occasion to call someone a ‘turdburglar,’ neither was I aware that it was an anti-gay epithet.

Learn something new every day, I guess.

  • Rick

What, now Turdburglar is verboten as extremely offensive? Right, and my paint gun shoots fuel-air bombs.

Godwin-Ace’s Law: No matter how lighthearted the insult, the odds of some third person angrily equating it to being called a “nigger” approaches 1.

Ace. we’ve disagreed in the past and will no doubt do so in the future but I gotta admit, that was funny!


“…That they made the Jews wear!”

sorry, just saw that movie for the umpteenth time this weekend, and this post reminded me.

So what now…asshat is a slur against fashion designers…?

By the way, if anyone is unsure of the precise ways in which the asshat in the OP has fabricated and/or misrepresented my statements, I would be happy to demonstrate the falsity of his accusations. Just as two easy example, I would suggest that you do a search on “colossal blunder” and “regret for years to come,” which he has falsely ascribed to me in both this thread and the original. Then there’s his pathetically out-of-context quote of my “goddamned fools” comment.

Apparently, the rule against falsely attributing words to another poster does not apply to Doghouse Reilly.

Looks like Nemo has a bright future here. :rolleyes:

WHAT?!?!? :eek: “Fartknocker” is an anti-gay slur? What about “dickweed”? Can we use that? What about “buttmoid” or “assmuncher”?

Can we get a list or something?

Look, y’all can call me anything except late for dinner. Life’s too short for this BS.

Jesus Christ, minty, would you stop hijacking this thread?

I had no idea that “turdburglar” was a slur for and reference to homosexuals. I actually giggled when I read it because I thought of hamburglar.

World Eater, you crack me up. Good use of the eyeroll. heh.


My sentiments exactly. I’ve used “fartknocker” for a long time and I never once thought it was a reference to homosexuality.

But then, I’ve never even heard of “shitstabber,” “stoolpusher” or “bonesmuggler,” so maybe I’m just sheltered.

…and if you’ve ever had your bones muggled, you know how painful that can be.

All right, you’re a damned liberal!

I didn’t dispute “disastrous,” and your quote of “goddamned fools” is out of context in that “we would be goddamned fools [if a contemplated course of action occurred in the future]” is not a statement that anything has been committed by “a bunch of ‘goddamned fools.’”

I was in error on the other two statements, since those words appeared on a different page. I stand by the statements in which they appeared, which are, of course, rather different in context than you portrayed them as being. But hey, if you’re happy that Bush & Co. couldn’t manage to apply the necessary amount of force to capture or kill bin Laden, Omar, al Zawaheri, etc., that’s your perogative as an asshat.

Hello, Anti-Defecation Legaue? I’d like to report a Code 413: BURGLARY OF TURDS IN PROGRESS.

[/Police Squad Theme Song]

Ace, do not worry-all your turds will be returned to you.