Here's looking at you, Skipmagic

Hi all,

Obviously, like everyone, I don’t always agree with all (most?) of the mod decisions around here. Close this, don’t close that, warn this, argue that, ignore this, yadda yadda yadda.

However, I like to think that I also give credit where credit is due. I thought this was a pretty damn good closing by SkipMagic:

Gave the reason. Seemed apologetic. And even typed “please.”

I believe you set the standard for customer service with regard to closings with that post. Congrats! Hope this doesn’t count against you in the Great Mod Pitting contest.

I’d just like to say that I’ve only been here a short while, but as a member and a lurker, there has been more than enough rants about “horrible” closings by moderators. I agree that Skipmagic was justified in closing that, and I want to say that I really appreciate all the work the mods do here. I really think they are what sets this apart from all the other message boards I’ve ever read, and that makes me glad that I’m a member here…


Ditto what brendon said. Thanks for your diligence, mods!

Yeah, I suppose Skippy is a pretty good mod. Even if he is twee…

But he is the hottest hunk o’ twee you ever did see. :cool:

Does twee come in hunks? I always thought it came in blobs. :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually, recent guideline modifications have made it common practice to dole twee out in smidges. That’s why I’m so glad I managed to score a hunk. :wink:

Aww, geez, my wife’s in here giving me props? It had little chance, anyway, but now the other mods are never going to let me add this thread to my Pit count.

Two words:

Plaid Jackboots

In fact, I think this counts as negative points. Compliments from the rabble? Obviously, you’ve gone soft!

I think that I shall never see
A mod so absolutely twee,
So twee the birdies sit on him
And softly plop their shit on him
And fly away, from terror free
Because they know a mod so twee
Will merely brush the crud away
And tweely shake his head, and say,
“You naughty things! Please don’t do that
Or I must don my twee mod hat
And tweely order you to stop
Your untwee antics. [sigh] A cop
So twee as me gets no respect.
But when one’s twee, one can’t expect
The shock and awe that Lynn will see.
Oh, well. I’m twee as twee can be.”


Bravo ETF

Confession: I was just skimming, and I got to this point, and somehow I saw the phrase “crush his head,” so I had to go back and read more carefully.


SkipMagic sucks so bad I usually avoid anything to do with him.


Heh. That was great, EddyTeddyFreddy.

They’re going to have to take away your jackboots now, aren’t they?

Probably. At the very least, I’ll never get a 9-page Pit thread like tomndebb.

Count against him? Hell, it sets his count back to zero!

Time to start all over again, twee-boy!


Come on, that thread has 2 against him and hundred for him. Are you sure that counts?
Just to maintain my status as a mod suck-up. Keep up the great work, it is appreciated.

EddyTeddyFreddy: Bravo, Awesome, Encore.

Jim {Now that Rico, I don’t know about him, can’t you emulate **SkipMagic ** and **tomndebb ** more?}


ETF, that was art!