Hewlitt-Packard - Wanna know what you can do with that hand-shaped coffee table?

How much money does your company fucking have?

You already show that annoying fucking commercial every 5 minutes or so, on every channel, everywhere. Congratulations. Yes, I have it memorized. I’m assuming that was your goal.

From outside the room, I can now pick it out by the annoying, dischordant guitar picking at the beginning; the annoying kid’s scream at the beach; the annoying, way-too-serious-sounding female voice over; and the annoying man and his annoying coffee table and his stupid book about it. (A complete ripoff from “Seinfeld,” by the way.)

Why not buy out the remaining 15 minutes of airtime available, and just run the cocksucker on a continual loop?

We can’t get enough of it, you know.

Agreed. I’d like to put a giant sloth booger on the tip of that index finger and reshoot.
You remind me, I saw one last night where some guy opens his parachute and clothes fly out while back on the ground someone else is having problems with the laundry… complete shameless copy of Fandango’s skydiving scene.

That’s it, I’m mancotting.

They could at least show some of the pictures for more than a frame or two. But I guess that would require them to be interesting, which would require more creativity which would cost more, but they already blew their wad on airtime.

Band name.

And, for some reason, funnier than Nymysys’ “Fuck” thread.

Probably because I was just watching Jeff Corwin on Animal Planet exalting the two-toed sloth, while the camera got close-ups of this hideous little freak of nature and its beady little just-smoked-a-quarter-bag eyes.

(The sloth, not Jeff Corwin.)

This damned thing is so lazy that not only has an algae evolved that grows nowhere else in the world but its fur, it has a moth that eats the algae that only lives in its fur. This animal is a smelly little self-contained biosphere.

Jeff Corwin r00lz.

[sub]umm…ok, that’s all.[/sub]

Hey, I love that commercial. It carries the important message: “You too can be a professional photographer/designer if you buy a PC, a digital camera, and a color printer.” And don’t we all need to be reminded of that every so often?

you, my friend, are lucky i dont know where you live, and even luckier that i am too lazy to find out. sloths are the best. the worst kind of sloth is infinitly -INFINITLY!- cooler than you. algae wouldnt condescend to live in YOUR hair.

you better hope you never run into a sloth in a pool, cause brother, they can swim.

and they have mighty claws to tear at your eyeballs and your foul, sloth-dissing mouth.
not only that, sloth booger is a HORRIBLE name for a band.



Best what? Doorstops? Cupholders? Seeing-eye animals for the bedridden blind?

Even the really geeky sloths? The ones with the thick-rimmed glasses that look like this…


…even THEY’RE cooler?

Maybe so. And despite my best efforts at Tantric sex, I bet they also fuck slower than I do.

OTOH, I don’t have to worry about being chased down and slaughtered by a quadraplegic tortoise. In the game of evolutionary spin-the-bottle, I think that’s a fair trade.

Of course not. Algae is allergic to Awapuhi.

Fortunately, the wounds from the first terrible blow will heal by the time the second one lands.


[Flanders & Swann]

[/Flanders & Swann]

No disrespect intended to two-toed sloths, they just happened to pick three-toed for the song… Sloths are cool.

(Huh? What? OP?.. er, it’s something about a TV advert, isn’t it? I never worry about them, life’s too short. But sloths are cool.)

You also need a goofy looking coffee table, no job so you can travel anywhere you want whenever you want and $$ to take you there.

I hate this commercial too.

It’s almost as bad as those Subway Jared commercials.

*Originally posted by Oblong *

Would that be the two-toed or three-toed Jared? I’m afraid Jared appears to frequently dig far, far too deep when booger mining.

*Originally posted by lieu *

In that case, you could just as easily count the nostrils and get the right answer.

I was going to say that had to be the ugliest coffee table I’ve ever seen.

Yeah, and I’m tired of seeing Jared too. I’m happy he lived on plain veggie subs, diet coke, and baked chips while excersing for 6-8 months or however long it took.
You’ll pardon me if I like some actual taste to my sandwitch.

He’s probably got an even uglier wetbar counter with yet another homemade “Stools of the World” book decorating it.

Actually there is a book like this. I almost bought it, and I’m kinda sorry that I didn’t. I can’t remember the name, but it was a coffee table book filled with the pictures of the shit of several different animals.

Did anybody else always think of sloths when they saw a post by Slithy Toth?

(Great. I’m contributing to the hijacking of my own threads now.)

*Originally posted by adam yax *

The Origin of Feces?
Caca of the Wild?
Dung & Dunger?

And yes Milo, ones with nasty big pointy teeth.
lieu, but you can call me tim.