Hey Eve, hey Eve, over here!

Yesterday I discovered William Allen Butler’s “Nothing to Wear”.

So even though it’s been obsolete for several months, I got it!

Of course, that’s kind of the story of my life…

Hey, sweetie! You want a Danish with that coffee? – another custom design by the mind of Wally

Whan that Aprillè with hise shourès soote
The droghte of March had percèd to the roote,
I druv a motor thro’ Aprillè’s bliz
Somme forty mile, and dam neere lyke to friz.
– Bert Leston Taylor

Well, that sure got my attention! Ah, memories of the 1990s . . . To explain to newcomers, my board name used to be Flora McFlimsey, which I took from the amusing poem Pimp just mentioned, about a New York society girl who has “nothing to wear.”

Thanks for the memories!

—The artist formerly known as Flora