Her name’s SummerOne and she just registered. She’s a virtual friend whom I’ve never met in person, but I know her from another message board. From my virtual conversations with her, I found her to be bright and articulate and I took a liking to her from e-mail one. In my humble opinion, she’ll make a great addition to our little community.
Welcome, SummerOne! Any friend of Omni-Not’s is a friend of…wait a second, what am I saying?..Any friend of Omni-Not’s has a couple strikes against her already.
Hope you like it here, SummerOne. You have a nice name.
[sub]These links are not meant to suggest anything but that I was having fun with a song and decided to add another element. I ain’t flamin’ anyone. Void where prohibited; no idiots or ignorami need apply.[/sub]
Welcome to the SDMB, SummerOne. This place is more addictive than liquid fuck on a rainy day.
Don’t mind dropzone: he’s trying to get back at me ever since I mentioned than a somewhat obscure poster going by the name of dropzone managed to capture the one millionth post on the SDMB.
I kinda liked iampunha’s metaphor though, even though it properly shouldn’t have been brought up in a lady’s company. Probably his way of making you feel at home…
Are you sureSummerOne is the sweetest Doper? How many Dopers have you licked to be sure, omni-not? I just hate unsubstatiated claims. We have standards around here, you know.
Oh, and “Hi” SummerOne. Long may you post, often may you be licked. (If you like that sort of thing of course.)
Yer pal,
Rue and ChiefScott: already pining for her and you still haven’t ‘met’ her. It’s like I told you, Summer: you’ll find all types of individuals… (The women are generally more well behaved, although there are some exceptions).
P.S.: Watch out for Slip Mahoney: you know what they say about them Canucks…