Hey Hey Donnie J

In honor of the famous “hey hey LBJ how many kids did you kill today?” I think we need a version for Trump. Possible suggestions:

How many kids did you jail today?
How many kids do you lose today?
How many kids did you steal today?

Which is catchiest? Any other suggestions? Would “babies” work better?

I like “steal”. I think that’s the punchiest one and best expresses what he’s doing.

Shouldn’t that bolded “do” be “did”?

Otherwise, your hourly proclamation of how evil Trump is has been noted.

Hourly? My last post was over a day ago.

Feel free to ignore **Drunky Smurf, ** as he is a dickwad.

The extent of Drunky’s erudition on Trump begins and ends with:
“Oooh ooh! Trump is evil, Polly wanna cracker, Polly wanna cracker, Trump is Hitler!”

I’ve always thought of him more as a dingle-berry

For me it’s weird little momma’s boy.

Been undone.