Hey Jester! Did I kill it?

I realize that Sangria managed to get in one last post, But did I cause the Threadkillers Threads’ demise? http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?threadid=53434&pagenumber=lastpage

Since Euty asked that we not continue…

and he declared it a draw.

grumbles about being next to last

Hmm, That IS true. Dang and blast.

Oh well. It’s for the better really. The thread WAS out of control.

I had just finished a post where I was asking the mods to administer the coup de grace.

Just as I pushed the submit reply button it flashed thank you for your post like it was going to go then it changed to sorry this thread has been closed.

If only I hadn’t tried to post the link to the bonfire.

Is there some way to check on that?

Doesn’t matter anyway.

BTW I know that the Germans didn’t bomb Pearl Harbor.

That was a line from Animal House.