Hey Stoidela, your room at Shady Acres is ready!

I’m not putting it in the pit, because I don’t speak with anger or vituperation. But I did want to provide a forum for Stoidela to make her imminent meltdown public. I, for one, would find it entertaining.

quotes from Stoidela:

Hmm, stick with amazed…it’s healthier than horrified.

I hear denial is the first stage.

Well, don’t do that.

Hysterics sound better than suicide, anyway.

Oops. Sucks to be you!

Divemaster…I’m so glad to see that compassionate conservatism doesn’t stop with GW Bush. You are a shining example of what the republician party can be. I think we’ll have fun in the next four years.

compassionate and conservative,


Hey, the fun’s just started! Now that they control the Presidency, the House, the Senate, and soon the Court, they won’t have to pretend to like those pesky non-white, non-Christian, and non-heterosexual Commie eggheads anymore. When GOD’s on your side, you don’t have to pander to anybody.

Self-rightous smugness. Leaping out of your right-wing talk radio and leaping right into your face. :frowning:

I’m sittng here watching Bush’s victory party. A great big sea of white faces.

It must be nice not having to pretend anymore.

Already, on another thread, people like me (i.e., Bush voters) are being blamed for contributions for opression of minorites, stepping on the poor, selling out to evil corporations, blah, blah, blah, and causing the pure-as-the-driven-snow enlightened Democrats to be compelled to leave the country.

More than once on this board, Bush supporters have been called stupid, amazingly ignorant, and likewise. That no one with half a brain could even consider someone like Bush.

And I can’t have a little fun with someone (well, it certainly looks like more than one) who made a lot of outlandish statements? Whatever.

Wow, only one hour and the race-baiting has already begun. That must be a record.

This isn’t race-baiting.
Turn on your television and look at who’s celebrating. You won’t see any of the token African-American Republicans in the throngs.

You tell me what I’m supposed to think when I look at this celebration.

It was the second comment, slythe, about “not having to pretend anymore.” You don’t think I get tired of Republicans being accused of being closet racists? That I can come out of hiding with my bigotry on my sleeve, so to speak?

I’m not hiding anything. I don’t think Bush is hiding anything. I apologize if that was not the intent of your comment, but forgive me if I am just a little sensitive to the implication.

We are sorry you are so sensitive, divemaster (kisses poor, poor cheek).

Let’s refer back to the Republican National Convention, shall we? The only place you saw African-Americans were up on the stage. When the cameras panned over the audience to reveal all the white faces, the oficials at the convention got upset.
Now I’m not seeing any diversity at all in the crowd of celebrants. I’m only guessing that it is because the party doesn’t feel a need for it anymore. Maybe I’m wrong, but I doubt it.