I’ve always been kind of up and down with Christmas as a holiday. A fairly steady side helping of family drama (thanks, sis) has been a big part of that I guess. You could almost never predict when the day would, at some point, involve some epic scene with her and my dad, or her and I, or her and I THEN my dad and we would end up going at each other like rabid cats.
I think at an early age, I identified with Charlie Brown - Christmas-wise. Until this year, a couple of weeks ago in fact, I considered myself something of a Scrooge. December would roll around, I’d watch the world make their Christmas commercials, have their sales, hang 14,500 lights on their house and whatever else could completely ruin for me by it’s rampant excess – the spirit of Christmas.
It occurred to me though, that, the childhood attachment I had to Charlie Brown is more than just sharing a thing for little red haired girls.
Like Chuck, what I disliked….no, dreaded about the season is the rush, the bustle, the loss of “what it’s really all about”. Being able to come to terms with that has helped immensely. This Christmas finds me calm, relaxed happy and waiting for the Kid to make it down the stairs so we can start destroying paper and ribbons, eat some cinnamon rolls, have coffee and/or hot chocolate. It’s been a longer journey to here than it should be, but I think by next December I’ll be able to stay relaxed and above the mess.
I call it Christmas on my own damn terms – the Wife and the Kid & I have made it a specialty of ours.
It started the first year we had the child. She was 2 weeks old, Christmas day was 4 below, we were almost out of diapers, and did I mention it was Christmas day? So YOU try and go find a store to buy some, ok? Anyway….my folks lived 30 minutes in one direction, my MIL – an hour from them and 45 minutes back to our place. We spent the day packing and unpacking a baby, eating, and driving. We got home and decided we would NEVER do that again. From now on, if people wanted to see us on Christmas Day, THEY could stop in.
Except for one year when my cousin hosted something for a bunch of us, it’s been that way every year since. We’re not inhospitable, we’ve had people over – but we stay put. Usually in the evening, a couple friends come by, lately the Kid’s friends come by for what’s become an annual tradition of me whipping them in a rousing game of Scene It.
Since it’s often just the three of us, clothing is casual. Casual, as in sweatpants and flannel shirts or t-shirts. We feel no particular obligation to ‘traditional’ holiday menus either. We’ve had duck (….”Chinese turkey!!”), pork tenderloins, ribs, tamales….this year by acclimation we’ll be having lasagna, big piles of garlic bread and salad. The Kid and I have cheesecake for dessert, Wife has her trademark vanilla ice cream with Godiva Chocolate liqueur drizzled over.
There is also of course, beer - The Official Beverage of Christmas TM
So, for a change, I’m looking forward to the actual thing, and not just to it being all over and done with. Which is kinda nice, I hope this lasts.
Merry Christmas** to all you cool kids celebrating today, and happy whatever else or just plain old seasons greetings (and Happy Monday!!) to anyone whose particular belief system leaves them with nothing particular to call today.*
- I ought put that on a card, it’s so non-demoninational!