Hobbit themed businesses

After watching the recent Hobbit movie my friends and I were thinking of funny Hobbit themed business.

FireDrake security: We won’t give up your treasure to burglars. Not. One. Single. Coin.

Azog’s custom troll Emporium: For all your demolition needs. Ram trolls, catapult trolls, Trolls with one huge ATM and one tiny arm, anything you need!

Bard Ballistics: Conveniently located in Laketown. Just a little to the left.

Giant War Animal Bestiary: Because how else is everybody going to know you are in charge unless you are sitting on a gigantic wolf/pig/moose?

Alfrid, Wormtongue and associates: Providing quality bootlicks, toadies, yes-men, and accountants.

There’s the Hobbit House, a pub in Manila. It’s staffed by little people.

I was gonna shout-out to Hobbiton…but it’s gone now.

Hobbiton is no more.

Sic Transit Gloria Namarie.

(Okay, it was kinda stupid, actually…)

The Hobbit Cafe

I would visit Radagast’s Petting Zoo. As long as the birds were caged, and the bear stayed in his cottage.

Meanwhile, here are some real Hobbit Hotels.

There used to be a bar named “The Hobbit Hole” in Baltimore. I doubt it’s still there.
I had an idea of opening a restaurant featuring food mentioned in the four books, but Denny’s beat me to it.

Giant Eagle Travel.
Give us a call when you’re in a bind. We’re here to help (or not).

Pool of a Took Billiard Hall

Hole Next Door Bed & Breakfast & Breakfast (for that non-adventure traveler in all of us)

Hobbit Hoagie in Tallahassee, FL.

The Riddles in the Dark Inn and Restaurant: we haves the freshest fishes in town, precious. Just remember we hates bad tippers. We hates them forever!

One Hobbit-themed line of business you won’t see: Cobblers.