Season finale spoilers:
A disgruntled former patient comes back and shoots our dear doctor, and at some point, it appears that House punches Wilson in the face. Or someone does. Could be one of those promo tricks.
Season finale spoilers:
A disgruntled former patient comes back and shoots our dear doctor, and at some point, it appears that House punches Wilson in the face. Or someone does. Could be one of those promo tricks.
did he just reduced the morphine of the guy who shot him?
Is this the guy who was diagnosed with herpes a few episodes back?
Whoa! Do not get House mad. And whoa! What the hell was that?! And could somebody clarify the spoiler rules in House threads for me, please?
This is beyond weird.
I had a feeling early on that it was leading up to this.
Well, now that was very “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”. I thought it was very good. I confess though, that I did not look at the t.v. screen during the many gory bits. I’m getting squeamish in my advancing years.
I’m always annoyed by “reset button” episodes. I would have liked it to be more a “half and half” type thing, where yes, there is a guy in the hospital who has these weird medical problems, or maybe several people that House amalgamatd into one patient, and House was in the ICU hallucinating/dreaming most of the time while other doctors and so forth talked about these patients.
I wasn’t watching either. Then my daughter screamed and I turned to the TV and saw. . . I dunno what I saw exactly but it wasn’t pleasant.
Dammit House, I’m trying to eat here! I don’t need to see puffer nads while eating my pizza
Aaaaaaaugh! This was the first time I’ve ever seen it. Is it always that oogie? I mean, jeez, I live on a steady diet of horror movies and I haven’t been that grossed out in a loooooooong time.
Was the story about the dead wife shown in previous episodes? Also, what exactly did the doctor do him in addition to removing the bullets? The combo of not knowing the backstory and missing a few minutes here and there has me a little confused. I’ll be watching the reruns his summer for sure.
The eyeball scene was one of the better special effects I’ve seen in a long time.
Exploding testicle = the most revulsion I’ve felt despite watching many, many surgeries on the surgery channels.
When you say the doctor, I think you meant the surgeon who treated House. Anyway, what he did was put House into a coma, to “reset” the brain (as the lady said). This supposedly cured his chronic pain. Apparently this was done through ketamine, so at the end House asked for ketamine, most likely in the hopes that he would have his chronic pain cured. Remember that everyone who said anything to him in the episode was in his mind, so basically he was facing up to his flaws and I guess he’s hoping to overcome them now.
Of course, this is only my second episode so I’ll bow out now.
Did that eyeball really pop out? I had my eyes closed. Wes Craven’s got nothing on these House guys.
Oh yes, popped out and hanging on the side of his face.
Ooooooooh, yeah, it did. Eee-yew. I just saw Saw the other day (don’t bother, BTW), and this episode was way gorier.
I found it interesting how House came up with the remedy for his own condition through his hallucinations. Cutty represents the person who most cares about his well-being, and fittingly is also his antagonist. I think they’re getting together next season. The guy who shot him respresents his worst fears and self-loathing (“you’re getting stupider…”). And clearly he has the hots for Cameron.
Neat episode.
:eek: :eek: :eek: GET OUT! I am so glad that I, like **AuntiePam **, closed my own normal sized eyes 'cause that would have pushed me over the edge. Mercifully, I also missed the exploding testicle part. Good God, tell me they didn’t actually show that too.
I will forgive them for the “dream episode” because they managed to make me believe that House really truly actually
killed the hallucinatory POTW!
I was yelling at the TV asking why they didn’t try harder to stop him.
I wonder if there was a point to me making that spoiler, or if the rest of the message gives everything away…
probably the best finale of the season!!!
CSI “gore” used to be good… this episode took gore to a whole new level… and that probably ain’t a good thing.
I called the swerve early on, but that’s ok… I don’t see it as a reset, but more so of a “life before your eyes” thing… I just hate tht we have to wait, what, 6 months?, for season 3.
I also like that we may not actually know why the guy shot him, or anything to do with tounge guy… but man what a horror story he’ll become!
Oh yeah, the eye. shudder I was both impressed by the effect and horrified but I quickly turned away so thankfully I missed the complete poppage.