So Vogler offered House the chance to sell his soul for his staff.
Gotta say, I didn’t see the ending (with Cameron) coming.
Wonder if it’ll stick…
So Vogler offered House the chance to sell his soul for his staff.
Gotta say, I didn’t see the ending (with Cameron) coming.
Wonder if it’ll stick…
I was really worried for a moment that House and Cameron were going to grab each other frantically and end up in bed together. Whew. I’m glad the writers didn’t go that direction. This isn’t ER, after all.
I have numerous questions.
I also really liked the comparison between House and god.
As for #'s 1 and 2, there was a look of jealousy/anger on House’s face that implied he cared about her.
If you gotta gak uncontrollably on a stranger, you couldn’t choose a more deserving candidate than a union official.
Posted by Strinka - I have numerous questions:
(*the following answers are merely my interpretation of the show. If I missed something while getting a Heineken, then I could be WAY off.)
1. Does House really like Cameron?
I think he likes her, but professionally. She seems to be more “logical” and not prone to crass diagnoses.
2. Wilson’s “How do you know I haven’t been making moves on her?” I didn’t see the significance.
I saw that as some sore of camaraderie between the two docs. House was trying to pry into Wilson’s social life a bit and caught him.
3. Cameron’s “Why are you asking if I like you?” I didn’t see the significance of that either.
Haven’t quite figured it out yet.
4. Cameron said there were two options. What was the other one?
I missed that, too
5. What was the outheld hand thing?
To me, she wanted his approval for leaving and he wouldn’t give it to her. House doesn’t want her to leave (my opinion).
6. How do you define ‘right’ if not by helping people?
Others might come up.
Lesser of two evils?
I also really liked the comparison between House and god.
She said that there were two options. One was the sort that she had control over. In other words, she could choose to quit, rather than face the second option, which was being fired. She controls her fate with one option, and doesn’t with the other.
At least, that’s what I got out of it.
But judging from next week’s previews, there will be a shakeup at the hospital and the show will be retitled “Vogler, CEO”
I think that Dr. Cameron has to come back. There would be only one female on the show, Lisa Edelstein, and her role isn’t all that big and she just acts as an antagonist of sorts.
We need a sympathetic woman. Who is cute.
Nitpick: Vogler is the chairman of the board, not the CEO.
Also some other questions not pertaining to just that episode, but the whole series.
Does House have a specialty?
How about Cameron or Chase?
As far as I can tell, House’s specialty is diagnostic medicine. I don’t know about Cameron or Chase. Wilson is an oncologist, and Foreman is a neurologist.
Ditto. That would have sucked. I like the fact that House stayed in the character they’ve built for him and refused to reach out to shake Cameron’s hand.
Though I wonder if they are going to take out the only ‘nice’ character on the show and with only two women who were regularly appearing characters, getting rid of one would definetly boost the testosterone level on the show… not like Vogler hasn’t done that already.
IIRC, in one episode there was a throwaway line about House having a speciality in endocrinology. Though I could have imagined the whole thing.
Well, imdb’s “House, MD” site doesn’t make any mention of Jennifer Morrison leaving the show, so you can take that for what it’s worth.
Chi McBride’s arc is about up. I’m wondering how they’re going to get rid of him.
IF they do. They may decide to keep him around a while longer.
I hope they do. As powerful as Vogler appears to be, it just doesn’t make sense that House would be able to crush him so quickly.
I took House’s refusal to take her hand as more of an unwillingness to accept the fact that he does indeed have feelings for her. He knew he would not react well if he had contact with her, that would make the situation too real for him.
His reaction to Wilson’s remark seemed a little hurt or annoyed that Wilson would have “put the moves on her” Wilson picked up on it and threw it in his face making House more uncomfortable.
I can see the working relationship with Chase becoming more strained to the point where House will disregard any diagnosis by him. I don’t understand Chase at all. Switching to the suits seems a bad idea, in that he may keep a job but his immediate superior, who has shown time and again he will not follow the Upper management’s “suggestions”, is going to make his life a living hell.
He is a twit in my oppinion.
Heart attack. It’s the irony, you see…
Here’s my take on these:
There’s a weird interplay going on with House and Wilson. They’re friends, but at times closer to acquaintences. Wilson is essentially a boyscout (and married); the idea that he was hitting on Cameron might have been startling. On the other hand, it might have evoked some sense of recognition in House that he really does care for Cameron – to what extent is ambiguous.
Not sure…it seems to me like House, for all his aloofness and proclaiming how much he loves solitude, might be questioning it.
She could let things happen. Whether that refers to being fired or waiting for House to either snub her or welcome her is ambiguous.
House is conflicted. He doesn’t want to lose her – she’s a valuable member of his team. (Whether there’s more to that…well, it’s ambiguous.) I think it also reminded him that he’s accepting at least some of Vogler’s demands, as much as it chaps his ass. Torn between courses of action because he doesn’t know the ramifications. He’s also in unfamiliar territory, used to just doing his thing and not worrying about the social aspects of his actions.
Clearly, it’s not that simple. Would it be right to just fire one of his team to reduce conflict with Vogler? Who would benefit? Would it be right to obstinately refuse all of Vogler’s requests on principle? Would it be right to simply quit? It seems to me House is navigating a minefield, cautiously making what choices he has to only when he has to, always looking for a way out of his dilemma(s).
I have to say, I’m really impressed with Hugh Laurie’s acting. That look on his face when Wilson suggested he might be hitting on Cameron – suprise to anger to confusion to a cagey “how much did I just expose?” look, all in a second or two.
And lemme tell ya, I’m really enjoying the ambiguity! I am so sick of simplicity.
Me too! Who knew after a decade of Hugh the Clown? Guess that supports the old actor’s contention that dying (and drama) are easy and it’s comedy that’s hard.