How many times have you posted or responded to a well thought out and worded opinion/position/point and still had someone post an assholish statement totally ignoring you and just meant to fan flames?
Or perhaps in GD, you used an illustration to make a point a little more clear, and someone picks apart the illustration, ignoring the point behind it?
Or, in Cafe, someone acts like your taste is the cause of all Earth’s woes?
God forbid you make a post in GQ based on innaccurate data. Instead of simply pointing to the truth, some will villify the poor, good intentioned, yet misinformed poster.
(Not all of these have happened to me, but I’ve seen all of these. Recently)
Seems like a good hearty helping of “Fuck off, Asshole!” via a Flipp’n the Bird Smiley™ would come in real handy. Because all the above examples don’t really deserve more well thought out words. Just give 'em the finger!
[I realize, that if implemented, I will probably receive a few of them as replies myself. No problem, man. )
It was supposed to look like a raised middle finger… it didn’t really matter eventually whether it looked like “the burd” or not… everyone new what it meant…
Yeah, that’d help in the fight against ignorance. What we really need for the SDMB is something that makes it easier for us to insult one other. No need for all those tiresome words or all that defending or explaining your opinions, just lots of posts with our new “smiley”.
Happy to be of service. I’m just trying, in my small way, to contribute toward Leibnitz’s dream of a universal language of graphic symbols. Use it in good health.
Actually I was thinking about this earlier today too. Except I want to be able to use a “Flippin’ the bird” emoticon on MSN Messenger. [minor hijack]How would I go about doing that?[/hijack]