About one year after my biological mother died my dad married his former HS sweetheart. The family he married into was fairly well-off. Most of them live in the same small town within a few minutes drive from my dad and step-mom’s house. My brother and I also lived within an hour’s drive so we could also help them with things as needed. Between his new in-laws and my brother and I, they were assured of being taken care of.
After a few years of marital bliss he started showing signs of dementia. It eventually got bad enough that he had to be placed in a care facility so he wouldn’t hurt himself or anybody else. Since I live closer than my brother, I’d take step-mom to the care center to visit dad about once a week and then we’d go out to lunch or some sort of activity. Eventually his head didn’t work with his body, a bunch of medical stuff happened and he died.
In the mean time, my brother retired and moved far away making him pretty much unavailable except in the gravest of situations. So that left me to be the only nearby blood relative to help out with my dad’s long term illness. Not great but then there is nothing great about your dad having dementia. Watching someone slowly have their mind turn to mush is not pretty.
After his passing, his widow was understandably distraught. My brother and I still try to keep in touch with her via phone. She also had her large family nearby so she had plenty of support.
This elderly woman seems to have given up on life since my dad passed. Over the past few months it seems like she doesn’t want to have anything to do with me or my brother. She’ll talk on the phone but has no desire to have me come to see her. She’s always got some excuse. She is rather frail but she’s still sharp and gets around ok, so none of her excuses hold water.
She still lives in her own house and with her family’s help she seems ok. I’m pretty sure she doesn’t NEED me or my brother to do anything for her. But given all she and her family did for my dad in his declining years I feel like I have some sort of obligation to help.
To cut to the chase, how much obligation do I have? It seems that when my dad died that was the end of my connection with her and her family from her standpoint. I didn’t want it that way but that’s how it seems to have ended up. My wife thinks I’m beating a dead horse trying to keep up a relationship with step mom and her family.
Truth is that I never really liked her or her family to begin with. They are nice people but I have nothing in common with any of them. There’s a fake cordiality but there’s no animosity that I detect. I have absolutely no emotional attachment to any of them.
In a way I’d be relieved to just walk away but I’d feel really bad doing so given how they helped my dad. I suppose I could be a bit more forceful about doing stuff for her but if she doesn’t want it, what’s the point?
I don’t really expect any answers from Dopers, just looking for some encouragement or gathering of thoughts beyond my own.