Basically one of the things I would like to know is how sex makes people feel differently compared with before they had it. I would like people who have had sex to respond and tell me if they separate their lives into before they had sex and after it
A bit conflicted (I pushed through, no pun intended, a moral quandry about it), simultaneously awesome, barely able to stand, and hella eager to make sure I did it again ASAP.
I thought the question was going to be about how I feel differently after having sex at any given time, not how I feel differently as a consequence of having finally had sex for the first time and no longer being a virgin.
The answer to the question I thought you were going to ask has bearing on the one you did ask. After sex, I feel connected to my partner to a spiritual degree, open and intimate and trusting and unprotected and it feels great. So: never having had that yet, but somehow sensing it, I craved it. And once I’d finally had that happen I felt less isolated, less lonely (and yeah less haunted by the prospect that it was never going to happen for me; I was a late starter)
To be honest, I don’t separate my life into before-sex and after-sex. I’m not even entirely sure when I lost my virginity. If that means first orgasm by somebody other than myself, whether oral or manual, I sure as shit have no clue. I know who it was with, but I don’t remember the first time. First attempt at penetrative sex? No idea. Would have been with the same person, but there were a lot of false starts and awkward attempts, so I honestly don’t know.
Oddly, I do remember my first kiss. That seemed to be a more “flashbulb memory” moment in my life.
I didn’t particularly find it life-changing in any way. I still wanted sex as much before as after (meaning I was still a horny teenager and then twenty-something.) It was certainly more pleasant with someone else involved (most of the time), sure. But, at least for me, it wasn’t some sort of transcendental moment. It was a great bonding moment, yes. I did feel closer to my partner, and I am, in general, not a “casual sex” type of person.