How do you manage to remain willfully ignorant despite the endless cogent and supported arguments presented to you by truckloads of well informed and obviously educated posters?
Where in the bible does it say “Thou shalt not accept new ideas and remain dumb as a bag of hammers in the face of overwhelming evidence which contradicts your pedantic mis-beliefs and assumptions”.
How do you face yourself in the mirror knowing that you’ve absolutely refused to grow intellectually and emotionally every day of your life despite the endless opportunities presented to you to do so?
I must, by now, be painfully aware of the purpose for the SDMB and what its views are with respect to the voracity of ideas/facts and how they are expressed/supported. I can only conclude that you delight in you ever present ignorance and that you revel with masochistic delight when you stubbornly and stupidly refuse to accept any and all reasonable and supported evidence that is contrary to the doctrine in which you are so deeply steeped.
My only remaining question is this: Why do you continue to ask questions and debate subjects when you are so eager to reject any ideas that contrast with your own? Don’t you ever get tired of being a jack-ass or do you get frequent flyer miles at your church for this kind of moronic witnessing?
I have been following the adventures of Bill since he posted as billy the witness at the LBMB. Unfortunately for posterity, the archives there are woefully maintained, but the impression that his posts there and here have left me is that he has grown. He has matured. He has stretched intellectually. His posts show both a steady grammatical progression towards legibility and a more thoughtful, considerate, and open-minded Bill.
Nothing against the guy PERSONALLY, I mean, his silly IMHO, or MPSIMS threads can be interesting (such as What do you like now that you hated as a kid-very good threads!). But when he gets in Great Debates or General Questions…
I honestly can’t decide who’s worse, Bill or Foreskin Boy.
No, that’s not true. Foreskin Boy is worse. Bill may be more frustrating, because just when you think you’re getting through to him he says something that proves that all the pounding with the clue-by-four mentioned in other threads has done is wear you out and give you a migraine, but every once in a while he does exhibit learning behavior. Heck, he even occasionally comes up with a cite, whether or not it means what he thinks it does. :rolleyes:
Foreskin Boy, OTOH, I wouldn’t enter a thread with. Ever. If I did, if I actually got involved in any way with this particular one-trick pony, I might have to go to Redondo Beach and shoot him myself, just to put me out of my misery. I’m sure one of the lawyers on this board could get me off on an insanity plea of some kind.*
Still, I have to agree with Guin. I’m glad I didn’t meet Bill before now, if he’s grown.
[sub]*note that I am not in fact violent, and do not own a gun. Should FB ever turn up dead somewhere due to shooting I will not be the responsible party. disclaimer required because I don’t doubt he will frustrate someone to this point some day…[/sub]
Hey, fundies who take the Bible literally but don’t actually keep Jesus’s teachings are my favorite meal. But if all he knows is what comes from Chick tracts, I think I’d better just cross his name off my list. Forget I brought it up.