How Globally Represented Is The SDMB?

I was curious as to how many posters here are from other nations besides the obvious USA, England, Canada and Australia…
I think I saw one of our posters was from Cameroon…any other posters from Africa? How about the Middle East, anyone? South America? Mexico? Iceland?

Thanks in advance,

Try here for starters: The State/Province/Country [Doper] Was Born/Resides/Has Lived/Wants to Move to...List - Miscellaneous and Personal Stuff I Must Share - Straight Dope Message Board

Ah, well…crap. I didn’t scour the boards for a similar thread before posting first.
Such is life…

The way I dug that one up was by searching for ‘england scotland canada zealand’ :slight_smile:

There is also this thread.

You can also see viewing distribution broken here from

Ah, that’s kind of what I was looking for, thank you.

Moving from GQ to ATMB.

General Questions Moderator

I made this map recently (for the MMP). If anyone else would like in, just let me know.

That’s pretty cool, you’re pretty bright…for a Yankee fan.


The prominence of Macedonia seems a little odd. Perhaps they were after the Straight Skopje. I can’t think of any Macedonian - or to assuage sensitivities FYRoMian - Dopers. Or Romanians, for that matter. Is this an indication that some people are coming in through proxies located there for one reason or another? Or just that the data are a little suspect?

It was interesting to me to see that accounts for almost 2/3 of the domain’s traffic.

Sure! Put me in. Jake from North Carolina. :slight_smile:

There’s also this map.

I had the same question.

And the Dominican Republic coming it at number 4, BEFORE Australia or even India? I can name several Aussie Dopers, and I’m reasonably certain of at least 1 Indian one (what? I don’t look at location or even names all that much!) but not a single Dominican Republican*

*Is that what people from the Dominican Republic are called?

Nope - just Dominicans.

Same spelling as people from the island of Dominica, but with different pronunciation.

Just call them Doms. :smiley:

Yeah, put me and Nawth Chucka down for Centerville, GA as well! We’ll be moving often–like, in the next six months. Are updates going to be a pain in the rear for you?

Thanks for the maps!

Spammers. Certain Macedonian and Romanian IP blocks are hotbeds of forum spamming activity.

Consider all the new users with nonsensical names: the last new users were Mltvcthf, danohtwo, remslurlwed, and Hnmiqfba. All likely spambots, most likely from eastern Europe.