How long do virgin (guys) last during sex?

Didn’t come my first three times having sex. Still waiting on try number four.

I did go a solid twenty minutes each time, and was more than willing to keep trying, but they had other customers waiting.

Forgive me, but being a virgin I don’t quite understand why the men here haven’t been able to ‘cum’. I imagine myself being a little over excited to get in there and ‘cum’.

Anxiety. Fear that something will happen. Fear that something won’t happen. Fear of STD. Fear that, despite any and all precautions, you will get your partner pregnant.

I know I came my first time; though I don’t remember how long it took. What I remember most about my first time was worrying that my mom would come home from work early and thinking to myself, “Holy shit, I actually have my dick in a girl.” :cool: :eek:

My first time wasn’t so hot. I’d been going with my lady friend about six months as we slowly went from ‘just friends’ to ‘good friends’ to ‘very good friends.’ Then on my birthday, a Friday, she made it quite clear that she had a more personal gift in mind. She was no virgin. In fact, one of the reasons we were six months leading up to that night was because her last lover was a complete jerk and she was happy to be in a non-sexual relationship for a while.

Anyway, we were about forty-five minutes kissing, petting and undressing each other and, although I was getting tingly all over, nothing downstairs was coming to attention. When she offered herself, no amount of poking or rubbing led to anything actually getting in. Frustrated, I said, “It’s just not working.” She said that it was okay and not to worry about it (Ha!). I laid down with my thigh between her legs and got her off that way and manually. We slept spooned and that felt pretty marvelous, actually.

Next morning, everything was fine. Since we were already nude, we played with each other for only about ten minutes before she said, in effect “Gimme!” I was kneeling, trying to watch everything at once and marveling at how good it felt for perhaps three minutes before it was over, much too quick for her and not that earth-shattering for me either. We peed, rinsed off, and got into bed again, where I apologized. She said it was okay, she’d gotten plenty last night and got a kick out of watching my elation. Then she said that the Jerk would have sulked or gotten angry and somehow contrive to blame her. Instead I’d done what I could to pleasure her and she really appreciated that.

With that we got all kissy face and within a few minutes we were at it again, with her on top. That lasted a good fifteen minutes and we both got a climax that time; pretty good ones, too.


One common reason, if you’re losing your virginity a significant time after puberty (I was 28) is that years of masturbation have conditioned your dick to respond to a certain kind of stimulation, which, believe me, feels nothing like the real thing. From what I’ve read, it sometimes takes a certain amount of re-training to get used to the new sensations. It feels great, and I was hard as a rock all three times, but apparently it just wasn’t what my fireman was used to.

In my particular case (I was in Amsterdam at the time) I was also A) sick (caught a cold on the plane over :rolleyes: ) B) having sex with a woman I’d just met five minutes earlier, and C) rrrrreeeally high on pot. All of which can have a negative effect on sexual function by themselves, but put together, I didn’t have a chance in hell of getting off.

Either that, or I’m gay.

If the girl is a virgin and/or you haven’t warmed things up properly, anything is going to be too long for her. Be nice to her and make her happy or you’ll hurt her.
Teenage boys usually forget about foreplay, to a greater or lesser extent.

Presumably they’re so shocked you’ve agreed to sleep with them, they want to get started before you can change your mind.

For the guys who can’t finish, make sure she’s satisfied, and then suggest an alternative ending. Personally, I’d much prefer a pearl necklace to being bored, tired and uncomfortable while the guy thrusts for hours.

90 mnutes the first time.

.09 seconds the second time.

Well, let me say this – my foreplay was terrific. I lasted a long time and she loved it.

But, if you just count the time between penetration and climax… a mere few seconds. It felt a whole lot better and was a lot more exciting than I had expected. I thought all those years of masturbation would’ve numbed me a bit. Nope.

Well, after two failed attempts to even get it up to do the deed, I finally got it up long enough to get it in. I came about seven second later. She thought I’d just lost it again.

Bless her heart, she gave me plenty of chances to redeem myself over the next sixteen-odd months.

Kinda depends on what your first experience involves. My first was a BJ after a lot of intertwining and I was surprised that it took what seemed like forever. A side note, young men have the capacity of distance so take this into consideration with your partner or you’re gonna gag her.

If you were to read up on the subject you will get all sorts of answers. Found an old copy of “The Naked Ape” and they say that men take 2-5 minutes and women take 10-20 minutes. IMO it’s all BS because orgasm is largely a mental function. You can get anyone really worked up and make them explode with a single touch. If you’ve spent 2 hours kissing and hugging and you are flush red from head to tow then orgasm will surely be measured in seconds. If you apply a lubricant and “have at it” then it will take much longer.

There are techniques that will speed up or slow the process down. One delaying trick for men is to flex the same muscle(s) used for ejaculation just prior to each insertion. It causes something of a short circuit.

Ask any woman how long a “virgin” has last on their first time. 99.9% of all women will tell you about the same thing

  1. He came upon penetration

OR for the real Stallions amongst us ~

  1. She got “two or three good pumps, a couple big grunts and a 10 second quiver”

Ahh yes, but the real question is how long can a virgin last who has died and been resurrected as a zombie to have sex? Would he bang til it fell off? :eek:

Well, maybe they were all liars some nine years ago…

But, in solidarity to some of the posters from so long ago, I also didn’t orgasm my first time during sex. Actually, the first couple times I didn’t and then we ditched the condoms since she had gone on the pill. After that it was all systems go and later on she was off the pills, we were back to condoms and everything still worked just fine.

In retrospect we probably should have experimented with other types/sizes/materials of condoms before just calling it quits on them but, you know… kids these days.

… Nine years of foreplay, apparently :dubious:

ETA: Damn, too slow (that’s not what she said)

Holy shit what an old thread. I haven’t been a Virgin for years but only stopped being an idiot a little while ago.


45 minutes.

Damn near a whole minute. :slight_smile:

Did better at the encore the next day.

If you supply the virgins, I’m willing to do the research.