If you have no reason to get up – it’s your day off, you don’t have to pee, there are no kids or pets or other critters needing your immediate attention, there’s no partner in bed with you who you want to cuddle with (or flee from) – how long do you lie in bed before getting up?
After a career in the military, it’s impossible for me to either sleep in or to just lie in bed. A late morning for me is 7:00.
It takes me a good 15-45 minutes to get my engines going in the morning.
I used to get up no later than the crack of noon on my days off. Nowadays, I get pounding headaches if I sleep in, so I’m up and going as soon as I wake up.
I wasn’t in the military - but the moment my eyes are open - I’m up. I have very little awareness of whether I’m on my side, back, whatever, when I open my eyes but once I have open eyes, I consider myself awake and therefore up for the day.
I’m not sure where it comes from and I’ve known few like me in this respect.
Depends on how I’m feeling and who’s around. If I’m alone in the house I generally get up immediately to enjoy a quiet cup of coffee. If there are children lurking outside the door I might luxuriate for a few minutes before joining the fray. If I don’t feel well or haven’t gotten enough sleep I might read until I can wake up enough to be nice while staggering toward the coffee pot.
Workdays I have my alarm set for 4:20. There’s no dawdling–up and at 'em immediately. Weekends I sleep in to maybe 7:00 or 7:30, but once I wake up I get up. I don’t see the point on lying awake in bed.
I voted 1-5 minutes, but I try to make it shorter than that. It really depends on a lot of things.
Somewhere between “none” and “1-5 minutes.” If I’m awake and feeling good, I get up as soon as I wake up, so that’s none. If I didn’t sleep well or got to bed late, I’ll occasionally lay there a few minutes in the hopes that I fall back asleep, but if it’s light out, that rarely works, so I usually just get up.
I really don’t enjoy laying around in bed in the mornings. I have stuff to do! There’s coffee to drink! Dogs to play with! I sleep when I’m dead, when I’m awake, I want to be UP!
Mr. Athena is the opposite. He looooves lolling about in bed in the morning, and usually tries to get me to stay there with him. I gotta say, though, I really don’t like it. Much rather be up & doing things.
Our master bedroom has a TV in it, so on weekends I might see if there’s a good movie playing before getting up. If not, then I’ll get up right away.
Exception: If it’s cold in the house, sometimes I’ll enjoy the warm bed for a while longer…
I have a finely tuned internal clock. I wake up precisely at 6:00 every morning. It doesn’t matter if I’m sleeping in a king size bed in a suite at the Waldorf Astoria, or if I’ve passed out under a table at Motel 8 … 6:00 and I’m up.
However, I only need to be to work around 8:00 – so I generally loll around in bed for another 30 - 40 minutes or so, until I need to get up and get going. Sometimes I’ll catch a couple extra Z’s, sometimes I’ll just lay there and mess around with the cat.
Sometimes I get really industrious and I get out of bed, walk to the living room and lie on the couch and mess with the cat for an extra 30 minutes before I need to get going.
Edit: shit, I didn’t even read the OP before responding. On a weekend … I don’t know. Same thing, I think. Up at 6:00 whether I want to or not. And generally on my feet somewhere around 7:00 even if I don’t have a damned thing to do.
I usually have to go do something right away when I wake up.
Yes, exactly. On weekends I’m up by 6. Of course I’ll take my first nap at 8.
Wake up, get up. Usually by 5am.
If it’s a workday, sometimes I just hop out and sometimes I rest an extra 5 minutes, depends how I feel.
If it’s not, I take my sweet time.
On the weekends, waking up is a two hour process for me. Yay for dozing, a little reading, thinking about random crap, and then falling asleep again for a bit. On weekdays I try to keep it down to half an hour. Yay for snooze buttons.
When I’ve had a chance to really catch up on sleep and am no longer in my usual sleep-deprived state, I get up much faster. My lifestyle needs some adjustment.
I could have written this post. Mornings are evil, and I am in a near-constant state of sleep deprivation unless I’ve had a vacation recently. I see it the other way, though; I like to think that everyone ELSE needs a little adjustment, and a lot more jobs should start at 9 or 10 instead of 7 or 8.
My bladder is my alarm clock.
Although sometimes knee and/or hip pain works just as well.
I don’t understand the whole snooze button thing, so I’m out of bed less than a minute after my alarm goes off. But when there’s no need to be up at a certain time, it takes more than 15 minutes after I wake up on my own to get out of bed most days off. I only jump out of bed immediately work days because I have to. If I don’t have to get up, what’s the rush?
Generally, I’m up and going. I don’t like lying around in bed unless I’m really sick. And my husband is a light sleeper, so if I’m awake, I’ll get up and leave the room so he can sleep in.
On very rare occasions, we may wake at the same time and turn on the TV, and lounge around for a while, but by rare, I mean maybe twice a year. If I’m awake and rested, I’m out of bed.