I know some people are much more social than others around her, often continuing conversations or extending relationships beyond the confines of the forums. I just don’t know how many people do this. So…
(1) How many Private Messages do you have? Have you ever deleted any because your Inbox was getting too full?
(2) How many Dopers do you communicate with regularly IRL? Is it strictly by e-mail, or have you phoned and/or visited them in person? (please limit this to Dopers you met on the board, and not those who you knew that because Dopers after-the-fact)
(3) Have you ever went to a Dopefest? How many?
(4) Have you ever participated in a Doper gift exchange of some sort?
(1) I have 5 messages–4 that were a brief back & forth with one Doper, and one just recently thanking me for noting their Sig didn’t work (since I never check my Messages, it took me a week to notice that I had a new one waiting for me). With 50 being the limit, at this rate my Inbox will be full somewhere around 2075.
(2) I’ve had a couple brief exchanges via e-mail, but they never developed into anything beyond whatever the subject was at hand.
(3) Nope. Always kinda mean to, but never get around to it.
(4) I did a Secret Santa once where I didn’t get anything , and an ornament exchange once where I did . I also sponsor the on again/off again Oscar prediction contest, so I’ll mail out a CD to the winner each year (when the winner isn’t me).