How many private messages do you have?

I know some people are much more social than others around her, often continuing conversations or extending relationships beyond the confines of the forums. I just don’t know how many people do this. So…

(1) How many Private Messages do you have? Have you ever deleted any because your Inbox was getting too full?

(2) How many Dopers do you communicate with regularly IRL? Is it strictly by e-mail, or have you phoned and/or visited them in person? (please limit this to Dopers you met on the board, and not those who you knew that because Dopers after-the-fact)

(3) Have you ever went to a Dopefest? How many?

(4) Have you ever participated in a Doper gift exchange of some sort?

(1) I have 5 messages–4 that were a brief back & forth with one Doper, and one just recently thanking me for noting their Sig didn’t work (since I never check my Messages, it took me a week to notice that I had a new one waiting for me). With 50 being the limit, at this rate my Inbox will be full somewhere around 2075.

(2) I’ve had a couple brief exchanges via e-mail, but they never developed into anything beyond whatever the subject was at hand.

(3) Nope. Always kinda mean to, but never get around to it.

(4) I did a Secret Santa once where I didn’t get anything :frowning: , and an ornament exchange once where I did :slight_smile: . I also sponsor the on again/off again Oscar prediction contest, so I’ll mail out a CD to the winner each year (when the winner isn’t me).

(1) How many Private Messages do you have? Have you ever deleted any because your Inbox was getting too full?
** None. I’ve never had any.

(2) How many Dopers do you communicate with regularly IRL? Is it strictly by e-mail, or have you phoned and/or visited them in person? (please limit this to Dopers you met on the board, and not those who you knew that because Dopers after-the-fact)
(3) Have you ever went to a Dopefest? How many?
** None. But I always plan to go to GettysDope. I just never do.
**(4) Have you ever participated in a Doper gift exchange of some sort?
** None. But I thought about it seriously last year for the Christmas ornament exchange.

(1) How many Private Messages do you have? Have you ever deleted any because your Inbox was getting too full?
I have 12, and no, not yet.

(2) How many Dopers do you communicate with regularly IRL? Is it strictly by e-mail, or have you phoned and/or visited them in person? (please limit this to Dopers you met on the board, and not those who you knew that because Dopers after-the-fact)
My wife is the only one I know in real life, and she doesn’t pass your filter. I’ve been invited to lunch by one Doper, which is an offer I hope to take up some day. And I know that silenus and I are going to wind up at a baseball game together at some point either by plan or by coincidence.

(3) Have you ever went to a Dopefest? How many?
Not yet. I had the opportunity to go to a recent one in San Francisco but got tied up by other plans. I will almost certainly make the next one that happens in the LA area.

(4) Have you ever participated in a Doper gift exchange of some sort?
Not yet, although I think my wife has. I know that we’re planning to help out a UK Doper with some Bacon Salt, though.

*(1) How many Private Messages do you have? Have you ever deleted any because your Inbox was getting too full?

*I’ve got 16 in there, and I think most are responses to my “Hey, this works!!” PM that I sent out when it first showed up. On the few occasions when I got unsolicited messages, I didn’t even notice they’d arrived till several days after they were sent.

(2) How many Dopers do you communicate with regularly IRL? Is it strictly by e-mail, or have you phoned and/or visited them in person? (please limit this to Dopers you met on the board, and not those who you knew that because Dopers after-the-fact)

Regularly, none, really. But I’ve gotten together with various and sundry Dopers for various and sundry reasons, not including Dopefests. For example, **welby ** and his wife joined me and my spousal unit for a day of sailing last week. And Mama Tiger and I will share a booth at a craft show in Sept.

(3) Have you ever went to a Dopefest? How many?

I’ve been to several (maybe a dozen or so?) and hosted 3 (2 picnics in parks, then one at my house). In fact, a couple of times when I had to travel for work, I managed to get some Dopers together at a local restaurant. I don’t like travel, so these bonus get-togethers were great.

*(4) Have you ever participated in a Doper gift exchange of some sort?

*I’ve done several White Elephant exchanges, at least one Christmas gift exchange, and I’ve also given away some of my ceramic pieces for the price of postage. And a few kind souls have spontaneously sent me chocolate love offerings. I continue to hint around, but it’s been a while since I’ve gotten one… :wink:

(1) How many Private Messages do you have? Have you ever deleted any because your Inbox was getting too full?

Zero. I use PM a lot, but I have never kept messages. Same goes for email. With very few exceptions, after I read it, it gets deleted. I can’t understand why people would keep email and PMs. It’s really an alien concept to me.

(2) How many Dopers do you communicate with regularly IRL? Is it strictly by e-mail, or have you phoned and/or visited them in person? (please limit this to Dopers you met on the board, and not those who you knew that because Dopers after-the-fact)

Probably less than a dozen. Mostly by email, but I’ve had dinner with the Mercotan and his lovely wife.

(3) Have you ever went to a Dopefest? How many?

Yep. Three so far.

(4) Have you ever participated in a Doper gift exchange of some sort?

Yep. Shot glasses, T-shirts, hot sauces, other such stuff.

None. Not even sure how to access it.

Not many in RL; upon occasion, I do email one or two.
I’ve been to one Dopefest, but am scheduled to go to another one soon.

I did a T-shirt exchange once.

I thought this title said “private massages” at first. Now I want a massage!

(1) How many Private Messages do you have? Have you ever deleted any because your Inbox was getting too full?
Currently, 35. And yes.
(2) How many Dopers do you communicate with regularly IRL? Is it strictly by e-mail, or have you phoned and/or visited them in person? (please limit this to Dopers you met on the board, and not those who you knew that because Dopers after-the-fact)*
I currently have 7 people in the SDMB category of my Yahoo IM list – I delete those I don’t talk to more or less regularly. Email pals – another dozen or so, some pretty sporadic, but often enough that I haven’t deleted from my address book. I play Fantasy Teevee with three other Dopers. Socialize with, one-on-one, IRL – several people, none all that regularly.

(3) Have you ever went to a Dopefest? How many?
(I believe that should be “Have you ever gone/been…” [/nitpick])
Every Gettysdope; a slew of minor Philly gatherings; one Dope the Halls; I’ve organized two MAD outings.

(4) Have you ever participated in a Doper gift exchange of some sort?
Yes, Secret Santa every year, plus I organized a T-shirt exchange a few years ago. Plus I usually do the Valentine exchange.

(1) How many Private Messages do you have? Have you ever deleted any because your Inbox was getting too full?
Right now, I have 22. I spent a lot of time PMing with various Dopers about my cats (finding someone to take them when I moved) and I have one or two for exchanging phone numbers before Dopefests. I guess I should clean it out. No reason to keep them. And yes, I had more but have deleted a bunch.

(2) How many Dopers do you communicate with regularly IRL? Is it strictly by e-mail, or have you phoned and/or visited them in person? (please limit this to Dopers you met on the board, and not those who you knew that because Dopers after-the-fact)
I communicate with one Doper on a daily basis, by phone and IM. We see each other on weekends. A couple others I communicate with once in a while. I’ve been to yoga with one, and would love to be able to do that on a regular basis, but my time is limited. A handful of local Dopers helped me move a month ago.

(3) Have you ever been to a Dopefest? How many? {fixed word, as twickster said - it was wrong}
Yes. I’ve been to a few. Two Dope-The-Halls, a Jersey DopeFest, a couple Birthday DopeFests and a few other informal gatherings. I plan on going to my first GettysDope this year.

(4) Have you ever participated in a Doper gift exchange of some sort?
I participated in a Book Swap a few years ago. I got Girl With A Pearl Earring, but I can’t remember who sent it to me.

(1) How many Private Messages do you have? Have you ever deleted any because your Inbox was getting too full?

I have two. But it’s really one, number two was my own reply back.

(2) How many Dopers do you communicate with regularly IRL? Is it strictly by e-mail, or have you phoned and/or visited them in person? (please limit this to Dopers you met on the board, and not those who you knew that because Dopers after-the-fact)

I don’t communicate regularly with anyone though I very occassionally get an email from one or two dopers.

(3) Have you ever went to a Dopefest? How many?

I live thousands of kilometres from anywhere likely to have a Dopefest, so no.

(4) Have you ever participated in a Doper gift exchange of some sort?

No. Ultimately I’m here for casual entertainment, I’m not looking for any real friendships (not that that means I don’t welcome the interaction, I just don’t seek it out.)

(1) How many Private Messages do you have? Have you ever deleted any because your Inbox was getting too full?

Right now I have 25. I’ve deleted a few, but not because my mailbox was full.

(2) How many Dopers do you communicate with regularly IRL? Is it strictly by e-mail, or have you phoned and/or visited them in person?

If I included ex-Dopers, then something like 30 or 40 or so? Unless LJ counts, (which it kind of feels like it does to me since I keep in touch with them that way), then the number is much higher. Of active Dopers, something like 10 or 15. A combination of email, IMs, Livejournal, phone calls, and visits. Them visiting me or my visiting them, or planning outings and activities together (Camping, hiking, sailing, dinners, bars, amusement parks, things like that.)

(3) Have you ever went to a Dopefest? How many?

Yes. Something close to 30 that could officially be called Dopefests. Off the top of my head - Monterey, Redondo Beach, San Luis Obispo, Chicago, Las Vegas, 2 in NYC, more than 10 in SF, 2 or 3 in Oakland, and more than 10 in our home. After awhile a group of Bay Area Dopers (and some outside of this area as well) stopped referring to get togethers as Dopefests and became just friends getting together.

(4) Have you ever participated in a Doper gift exchange of some sort?

On the board, no, not that I can recall.

(1) How many Private Messages do you have? Have you ever deleted any because your Inbox was getting too full?

  1. But I checked; only 17 of them are actually in my inbox - i.e., sent messages. And I have now been using them to communicate to the mods, too, i.e., please change the name of this thread.
    And I don’t think I’ve deleted any lately.

(2) How many Dopers do you communicate with regularly IRL? Is it strictly by e-mail, or have you phoned and/or visited them in person? (please limit this to Dopers you met on the board, and not those who you knew that because Dopers after-the-fact)
How many regularly IRL? At least 2 come to mind fairly easily. And there are a couple friended on my LJ list. Let’s say somewhere between 5-10. Mostly by e-mail - one of them I have talked to on the phone.

(3) Have you ever went to a Dopefest? How many?

Two. I think.

(4) Have you ever participated in a Doper gift exchange of some sort?

Yes! I do the Christmas gift thingy every year. I do the postcard exchange. I do the V-Day exchange. I do the ornament exchange.
I love getting/giving gifts and I love getting things in the mail.

I have four. I think one was the original one and the other was a request to steal a sig line, and that back and forth. I have nothing against getting to know people here, but I tend to enjoy watching conversations, rather than adding my own.

And I’m shy, so shut up ya’ll! Don’t look at me :wink:

  1. None now. I have no use for the ones that tested whether or not my PM function was working, nor my Role assignment in M1. All together, I got somewhere near twenty, all deleted now.

  2. I’ve had several email exchanges with a handful of Dopers, but nothing you could really call regular.

  3. I’ve meant to go to several, but something always comes up, or I come up with an excuse. I can just see introducing myself by my username, and getting a blank stare. Also, if the conversation were to turn towards kids, spouses, or awesome jobs, I’d have no personal frame of reference.

  4. Not yet, but they sound like fun. Firefox decided that I not can has Baconsalt for some reason. I’d gladly buy a Doper a kick-ass gift in exchange for some of that stuff (from what I’ve heard at least).

(1) I have 10 PM’s, haven’t had to delete any yet.

(2) I don’t communicate IRL with any regularly but I have exchanged a few emails with 3 Dopers. I have spoken with one on the phone and met her in person.

(3) I have not been to any Dopefests.

(4) I have not participated in any exchanges, however I did give a kitten to the Doper that I met in person.

(1) How many Private Messages do you have? Have you ever deleted any because your Inbox was getting too full?

23 in my inbox and 20 in my outbox. And yes, I’ve deleted bunches of them.

(2) How many Dopers do you communicate with regularly IRL? Is it strictly by e-mail, or have you phoned and/or visited them in person? (please limit this to Dopers you met on the board, and not those who you knew that because Dopers after-the-fact)


(3) Have you ever went to a Dopefest? How many?

Yeah. 3 of them.

(4) Have you ever participated in a Doper gift exchange of some sort?

Yes. Secret Santa every year, Valentine’s once, White Elephant a couple of times, and possibly a couple of other things I’ve forgotten about.

(1) How many Private Messages do you have? Have you ever deleted any because your Inbox was getting too full?
0 and no :frowning:
(2) How many Dopers do you communicate with regularly IRL? Is it strictly by e-mail, or have you phoned and/or visited them in person? (please limit this to Dopers you met on the board, and not those who you knew that because Dopers after-the-fact)
(3) Have you ever went to a Dopefest? How many?
Nope, I’ve wanted to but the kids keep me pretty tied up what with soccer practice and dance classes
**(4) Have you ever participated in a Doper gift exchange of some sort?
** Yes, I did the T-Shirt exchange and the coffee cup exchange. I love those things!

  1. Two messages.
  2. The occasional email from folks asking for help on a bit of Portuguese.
  3. Never been to a dopefest.
  4. Not actively seeking out interaction, though not turning it away.

It took me about 3 months before I noted my first private message (from another mod). :-o I never check those things; you’d be better off writing a message in the sand and hoping I fly over it. Goodness knows what’s in there now–perhaps I should check!

(1) None

(2) None

(3) No

(4) I did the Secret Santa a couple of years ago, but it left rather a sour taste in my mouth. I sent out my present but never got anything back.

  1. 4 right now. But I delete old ones – I’ve probably sent and received over 100 so far.

  2. 3 or 4 (semi-)regularly, several more now and then. All by e-mail (and/or PM) except for 1 I’ve spoken to on the phone.

  3. No. I’d love to someday.

  4. No.