How often do you check to see whether you have telekinetic powers?

I made you write that.

No, I made you write that.

I made you think that.

Not since I was a kid, but like jackdavinci I can do it sometimes in my dreams, with considerable effort.

The dreams are so realistic that when I first wake up I sometimes think I should do a real-life test with something that wouldn’t take much power to move - a pencil tied to a string and suspended from a doorknob, or something. But I never get around to trying.

Many years ago I stayed over at a friend’s house and slept in her kid’s bedroom. There were several cardboard carousel type things hanging from the ceiling - one had animals, one had the alphabet… that sort of thing. I couldn’t get to sleep and was staring up at one of these carousels, so I thought I’d see how strong with the Force I was and tried to get it to move clockwise.

It moved clockwise.

I lay there for ages getting it to turn clockwise, then stop, then turn counter clockwise, before I finally fell asleep.

I tried again another time and had some minor success getting it to turn in whichever direction

May 21st, 1980.

Ran out of the theatre ahead of my parents, reached the parked car well ahead of them and tried mightily to use the Force to pull up the lock on the door. Bitter disappointment, that.

No, I made you think that.

I’m not taking anything less than stalemate.

Had one once in a group- was with a bunch of hippies who were spinning fire and drumming, watching a lunar eclipse in a park in Brisbane. Annoyingly, there was a street light really close to the moon, so it was really hard to see what was happening. After a little while, someone suggested we all concentrate on the street light, and all will it to go out.

It took about 15 seconds.

Mind you, it randomly flickered on and off for the next few hours, and none of us were trying by then… :wink:

That’s only because I don’t want you to.

I Jedi Mind Tricked my geometry teacher in high school.

“You don’t need to see my homework.” handwave

He just sighed and moved along. Success!

Call them names in your head and watch for barely perceptible frowns.

Or should BOO! really loudly in your head and watch to see if anyone jumps.

Do not try this in a very serious meeting where you will be unable to suppress your giggles at how silly you are being.

Okay, as a proof that you do have this telekinetic ability, could you telekinetically will me to come up with a nifty checkmate response to end this stalemate?

Now, how did I know you would ask that, heh? :smiley:

I chose weekly. However, I also like to routinely test if I can shapeshift, read minds, warp reality, and sprout adamantium claws.

I have an active imagination.