How to distract a broken heart

I’m so sorry to hear about the breakup. It will take time, but eventually the pain will go away. Trust me.

Do you already have a pet, like a dog? Pets are great at giving totally unconditional love.

I’m not suggesting you go out and get a pet right now if you don’t already have one. It is a huge responsibility. But if you’ve already thought about getting one, weighed all the pros and cons, and feel it’s right for you, then now may be the time.

Or you could first volunteer at an animal shelter, like someone mentioned earlier in this thread, to see how you like being around animals.

Hold off on dating or looking for someone to replace your lost love. Bearflag70 is right. You’ll need time to heal.

Sometimes you just have to sit and hurt for a while.

Otherwise, get exercise, eat healthy, talk to people you trust, and wait. Wait for time to pass.