How to make a youtube video start where you want

By using the share video option on youtube, you can have your link start anywhere in the video. (inspired by the Bear trap thread)

Bear trap punched (with horrific results)

Bear trap punched, with no damage

See how easy that is? Spread the word. Never again will you have to say where it starts, or waste any ones time watching two minutes of boring before the action.

With the video stopped where you want people to see, just click the “Start at” box in the “Share this video” section, which is a link below the Youtube video. Called “share”

It will add the data to the link.

Or you can add it your self. t=1m52s

t is time, m is minutes, s is seconds. And yes, h is hours.

So you can directly link to Super Bad at 1 hour 33 minutes and 26 seconds, in the link below.

I hope this movement spreads.

There’s an even easier way. Just right-click in the player window and select “Copy video URL at current time”, and Bob, as they say, is your uncle.

Well I’ll be damned.

So, no more reasons for anyone to not do this.

We say that about taking cellphone video in landscape mode, but yet people still hold them vertically…

The more you know.

Bless you, friedo. You always got a bad rap from that brother of yours.

Getting people to change how they hold their phone is a big problem.