How would you handle getting a suggestive text accidentally? Need answer fast!

Nah, just pretend it never happened. Unless she ever brings it up, forget about it. Now it you get a third text by accident …

“Damn, is it casual Friday again. I always forget!”

Actually yeah, I’m a fan of Salem’s idea as well.
so change my answer to “NP and add a nice throwaway joke”

I wouldn’t ignore her text, she’s already mortified and is now probably worried that you really do think she fancies you, or are offended. A ‘no problem plus joke’ is by far the best way to go - that way, she’ll know not to worry about it anymore.

And it’s not nearly as bad as when my brother started dating a girl with the same name as my sister. Now those really aren’t the sort of texts you should EVER get from your sibling…

More out of being distracted by other things than by intent, I ended up not responding at all last night. I may send a throwaway response today.


(I hate to do that, but it seemed appropriate this time…)

That implies that it could have been a problem, which is the deepest offense you can say to some people.

You should text back “My pleasure.”

Personally, I’d probably go with something like “No problem. By the way, nice legs.”.

Then again, I’m probably not the best person to take advice from when it comes to dealing with the opposite sex…

You didn’t mention if you’re at all romantically/sexually interested in this friend of yours, or if you think there’s a chance she might be interested in you. (I also don’t know your gender or sexual orientation.)

I wouldn’t get your hopes up too high, but there’s always the possibility that this wasn’t an accident…you never know.

If you’re not interested in her: As others have said, I would accept the apology, say you deleted the photo, and not make a big deal about it. I also agree with SanVito that no response whatsoever is likely to make her nervous.

If you are interested in her: Something along the lines of “No problem, I didn’t mind at all!” Or, if you’re on the bold side: “No problem, can’t wait to see the next one!” You never know.

I would be humiliated.

I recommend acting how you would normally if you were in a similar situation. If IRL you tend to joke, then make a throwaway joke.

Myself, I would say something like “No problem - don’t worry about it”. And then never, ever mention it again. Ever. Not even then.

Send her a link to the nude pics of Levi Johnston and ask if she likes your new photo layout.

Nice wagina?

I’m a straight male; she’s a straight female (to the best of my knowledge). While I think she’s somewhat attractive, I don’t have any real interest in her. And I wouldn’t think she has any in me that way, either.

So, I haven’t said anything at all, and now we’re on Monday. Is it too late to respond with a “No worries”? Best to let it go at this point?

No worries.

Oh, and if this was accidentally sent to me by a friend, I would probably rib them a little, because I probably couldn’t help myself.

At this point it’s probably best to let it drop. A friend of mine switched jobs and work and the guy whose cell phone he got didn’t tell all of his girls friends that his number had changed. We would spend days messing with them when with got pictures like you got.

Personally I think screwing with her is the best response but the time frame for that has lapsed so now it would look like you spent the weekend thinking of her. Unless you’re good friends and then I’d blow the picture up and have it decorated on to a cake and give it to her as a birthday present when no one was around.

At this point let it drop. However, now you need to take a photo of yourself making an “oops face” and the next time she sends you something like this send back your “oops face” image with a text that says, “DANGER! Accidental sexy texts can lead to embarrassment!” or something like that.

Tell her, “Don’t worry, I realized it was for the other Asimovian, so I forwarded it to him.”:slight_smile:

I don’t really buy the accident thing. I’ve accidentally sent texts to the wrong person before (and I am a texting junkie), but if I sent a sexy text to the wrong person? The utter and complete mortification would probably prevent me from sending anything like that again for quite some time, even to the intended recipient. I just couldn’t imagine doing it again to the same person. At the very least, I would be hyper vigilant about double and triple checking before hitting that “send” key.

Methinks she likey you.

Text back “Thx”.

I was once working at a large grocery wholesaler with about a third of a million employees, probably about a third of them on the company email system (back then).

A female employee sent a rather sexy message to her husband, who was also an employee at the company. His name in her directory was Al, but she accidentally typed it with an extra ‘l’, giving All.

Yes, she sent that sexy message to about 100,000 company employees, from the CEO on down, scattered over about 35 states.
She became a rather well-known employee for a while there.