How'd Miley Cyrus get so skanky so quick?


Look, when I was Miley’s age, my friends and I also made penis cakes and took wacky pictures with them. I know, I know! Clutch those pearls, sir. Guess what? I’ve never done drugs, I went to college, and I have a normal job now. I never have been pregnant or had an STD, life is dandy. That said, judge me appropriately for my poor taste in baked goods, I suppose.

You know what’s far more nasty and vulgar than some silly pictures with a silly cake? People telling women what is or isn’t ok about their sexuality. Oh noes! She took pictures with a penis cake! What a skank hoe! I bet she gets gang banged on the regular by bikers, because I mean, that’s what people who take penis cake pictures do! God, I pray for her young, sweet hymen. . . well, what’s left of it, at least. Wait, she’s not. . . she’s not wearing a bra? DEAR GOD. Next you’re going to tell me she’s letting that Liam guy penetrate her before their marriage. . . no. NO! I won’t believe it.
. . . I hate when this place makes me defend people like Miley Cyrus.

Eh, I know lots of dysfunctional non-famous people. They just don’t have cameras following them everywhere, and limited funds mean they usually hit bottom faster. But I don’t think they’re any more or less common in celebrities then they are here amongst the plebs.

But in any case, the occasional erotic cake joke is a pretty long way from “dysfunctional”. Call me when Cyrus goes on a coke binge and ends up stealing a car and crashing it into the local pizzaria.

Taking silly pictures with a cake shaped like a penis makes you a skank?

takes furious notes

Dammit, how do I change Facebook privacy settings on these pictures?!

If you think she did nothing wrong, why are you distressed to be defending her?

This reminds me of the faux outrage when she was caught on camera drinking underage in Spain.

The “outrage” in the US lasted about 5 minutes, which was about how long it took the Spanish press to (metaphorically) say, “Look, you Puritanical sickos - she didn’t get hammered, she behaved herself, and a single beer isn’t going to turn her into a crack-whore”.

I was amazed at how fast people backed down on that one. I guess the lack of pictures of her passed out or pregnant kind of clued people into the fact it wasn’t the big deal they were making it.

Because of distaste for the low brow entertainment she produces. No secret that Miley Cyrus isn’t going to be winning any awards for her singing or acting. Even so, she doesn’t deserve to be pilloried for acts most 19 year olds would conceivably also perform.

I want to know too! I don’t know why everyone is missing this…she’s not licking a random penis cake, she’s licking *her boyfriend’s * penis cake.

You want to make them more viewable so you become the talk of the Dope, don’t you? I’m on to you. . . :dubious:

Distressed is a bit more serious than that off hand comment was meant to express, so my apologies if you felt I was working myself into a tizzy over here.

I’m not a Miley Cyrus fan. As far as her music and acting go, I’m not terribly impressed in either regard really. Often times though, when one rushes to the defense of a particular celebrity, their defense is perceived as some sort of declaration of fandom, which just isn’t the case here. Do I care for her career? No. But she’s not doing anything a regular 19 year old kid wouldn’t do. That’s all.

That will be next Thursday, most likely.

Ignoring for a moment the question of size, that penis looks a bit… ethnic… to belong to that guy.

I hope—for your daughter’s sake—that you come to realize how stupid and regressive your stated position is.

Raising healthy human beings includes instilling healthy and responsible attitudes towards sex. So far, I’ve seen nothing from Ms. Cyrus that should—in your terms—move her from the W to L column.

She’s 19. She’s lived most of her life in a fishbowl. She was a celebrity before she was even herself. Most of her life has been engineered and/or scripted by her parents, and she’s never been allowed the latitude we appropriately allow most children and teens.

Now she’s an adult, she has loads of money, and she’s out in the world. And she’s having fun. Good for her. Depending upon whatever issues she may have from her abnormal childhood, it may turn out poorly (possibly) or well (most likely).

As the father of two teenage daughters (14 and 17) I’ll opine this:
An ‘L’ is when your daughter has no male role-model, seeks validation from every man she meets, endures a series of abusive relationships, and/or dances dead-eyed on a pole while numbed from meth.
A ‘W’ is when your daughter has a healthy sex life, can laugh and joke about its attendant absurdities, can drink through a penis straw at a bachelorette party with either a giggle or salacious comment, or feign licking a penis cake.

My daughters’ sex lives are their business. I have something close to a .0000000001% stake as a father concerned about their well-beings, and only because they’re minors. As the father of a 12-year old your stake is higher, but it will become vanishingly small in the next few years.

Deal with it. Or deal with a dead-eyed daughter on a pole.

I think the outrage is that a few short years ago she was on a TV show, singing songs, and behaving in a way that was meant to attract the interest of young girls/tweens. She held herself out as a public figure for them to admire and emulate. Suddenly, she’s acting like any other popular 19 year old, which is a shock to the same young girls and tweens that looked up to her. I don’t begrudge her acting like that, but at the same time, as a parent of two girls that bought her CD’s and watch her show, I can’t help feeling like I wish she’d tone it down a bit.

But if she wants to lick the taint of a giant cock-shaped cake, I’ll just roll my eyes as I’d do if she wasn’t famous.

Because of her lame taste and cheesy talent?

Oh my god, she licked her boyfriend’s penis at a party and took pictures? Oh wait, that says “cake”. Wait, what’s the fuss again?

Did she? Or did her father and Disney?

It’s a not a serious question. The latter is the obvious answer.

She was a child.

I understand the disappointment felt when your kids buy into a manufactured persona that turns out to be, well, manufactured. But of all the parties one could point to, the least culpable is herself.

She went where she was told. She sang what she was told. She looked how she was told. And now she’s not having any more of that. Should your anger/hurt/outrage/disappointment be directed towards her? Or towards those who told?

Wait a minute, there is something wrong with skanky now?

Not at all. We’re just trying to get the taxonomy correct.

Settle down, Turbo.

The “outrage” I referenced in my original post isn’t mine, it’s the thread OP’s. I don’t give her any more consideration than an eye roll.

And I understand it wasn’t necessarily her decision to do the kid stuff, although I appreciate you enlightening me on how the child-star industry works. You fascinate me.

Fact remains she went from being a wholesome character (yes, I know, she was told to) to acting like a normal, unrestrained teenager. Does that surprise the kids that are too young to understand how someone in her position acts when the cuffs come off? Yes. Does it surprise me? No.

**AcePlace57 **- I suppose it’s time for you to take down all of your Miley posters.

Maybe Justin Bieber’s more your speed? There might be someone around here that can help sign up for his fanclub.

My bad. I get het up about this topic at times.

I’m working my ass of to raise two healthy and happy women. The parochial and patriarchal attitude on display here punches the hell out of my buttons. In fact, you might say it makes me stabby.

When a child star goes from “wholesome” to “normal” and kids are confused… Well, the parent’s gaze should turn inward.

Oh, and I have a newsletter…

Dammit. I’m working my ass off.

Feckin’ edit window and the Saxons…

And I still have a newsletter…

yes, because thinking penis cakes are funny is the first sign of moral decay! She probably also likes cock, too! Possibly she is a fully functional heterosexual with a sense of humor about sex! Heaven forfend!