How's the draft going for your team?

Okay this post probably shows my desperation for football to start up, but here it is, how’s your team doing.

You don’t have to be a football analysis, just tell me if you think your teams are addressing their needs for the coming year. What the hell, let’s not limit it to the draft, trades and firings are also fair game.

As the Straight Dope Official Source for All things Niners I’ll start by addressing them.

Our major needs are ownership, Quarterback, Receiving and Defensive Line, and depth at corner would be nice. Since we can’t do anything about ownership, let’s deal with the rest.

Rattay as this moment is the starter. Rattay has great arm strenght, good decision making and can hit his target. His glaring deficiency is mobility. I’ve trees be more mobile, but we can mabe fix this by going large on the O-line. Barring that maybe we can get somebody to shoot at him with a beanbag gun after three seconds.

With the departure Terrell Owens to Philly, it’s been said we need help at recceiver. I’m not sure this is accurate, late last season saw the possible emergence of new talent Brandon Llyod. The remaining receivers, Tai Streets and Cedric Wilson are reliable but not inspiring. That being said the Niners have drafted TO clone Rashaun Woods who will be issued the 81 jersey and is immediately expected to compete for a starting job.

I’ll address the rest of the positions later if this thread garners any responses.

I’m a Charger fan…'nuff said.

I hope that pussy Eli has a more dismal career than Ryan Leaf. That said, I am happy with Rivers.


The Steelers

Happy as all get out when Ben Roethlisberger falls into our lap at pick # 11. Some people had him rated as the #1 QB in this draft. It’s been a while (35 yrs) since we’ve had the oppertunity and then actually invested a high first round pick in a QB. I like it…there was no other choice for us here.

Round 2 – We gave up our 4th round pick to move up 6 spots to take Ricardo Colclough. Not sure how I feel about this, but I feel there were other CBs still available that we could have had without giving up our 4th round pick.

Round 3 – Max Starks … Giant OT. Skills are decent but not antastic. He has to be better than that POS Oliver Ross we had playing RT next year.

Round 4 – I sit here and cry quietly as I look at our imaginary pick where we could have had Mewelde Moore, Nat Dorsey, or Nathan Vasher. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Since then, we’re filling out at OLB, OT and DE.

I think most of our needs were addressed this year and other than getting rid of the 4th rounder I think we’ve had a very solid draft.

My buddy put it best over AIM, so I’ll quote:

: we got WR Roy Williams from texas
: RB kevin jones from VA texas
: and then a linebacker Teddy Lehman from Oklahoma
: we had the 6th overall pick but for some reason cleveland wanted the pick they thought we were gonna pick so they traded us for the 7th pick and like the 5th pick in the 2nd round
: so then we had like 5 and 6 picks in the 2nd round so we traded one of those to get the 30th pick in the 1st and picked the RB
: it was sweet…i couldn’t believe detroit was doing something good

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it’s a good year to be a Lions fan.

A combination of good drafting and idiotic Cleveland has made for a very nice Lions’ draft.

The Saints missed out on getting a position we needed, so we went for the talented Will Smith rather than reaching for a CB or LB. We’re going to have a hell of a rotation with Smith, Darren Howard and Charles Grant.

We drafted Devery Henderson from just down the road at LSU. We’re not particularly in need of a WR right now, but Horn is getting up in age so it will probably pay off in a few years. If Donte Stallworth can return to his rookie season form, we’re going to have a very fast recieving corps.

I know nothing of Courtney Watson, but he can’t be any worse than Orlando Ruff in the middle.

Ryan K, I hate Matt Millen, but he’s really got his draft-day stuff together. Last year, I thought Boss Bailey was the best pick of the whole draft. This year it was more of the same.

Anyway, I’m an Eagles fan. I hate the way Andy Reid drafts. He ignores the team’s biggest needs again and again, and again and again the team loses in the postseason because they don’t stop the run and their receivers don’t get open, and don’t catch the ball. The second part was cleared up when TO decided he wanted to be an Eagle. That leaves stopping the run. They’re pretty much set on the d-line, as they have a bunch of playmakers, especially at end. Darwin Walker and Corey Simon are very good players, but neither can really hold up the line to stop the interior running game. That’s not the Eagles style, anyway- the tackles are supposed to get penetration, not clog up the middle.

That means they had to get help at linebacker, or suck against the run again. Last year they were overmatched by good running backs, and then they let Carlos Emmons, the steadiest of their LB’s, go. So they traded up to #16, and I thought, hmm, D.J. Williams? Big, quick, rangy, good hitter, could slide into Emmons’ spot fairly smoothly, maybe that could work. Won’t fix all their problems, but he can make plays against the run.

Instead they drafted Shawn Andrews. I like Shawn Andrews. He’s a giant, sort of immobile run-blocking right tackle. A mauler. The thing is, the Eagles already have a giant immobile right tackle, and they’re paying him a whole lot of money to get chewed up by Michael Strahan twice a year. So Andrews will have to play guard in the NFL, which he hasn’t played much. Makes sense because they shipped John Welbourn out of town for peanuts later on. All this means that the Eagles, who have maybe a year left before the window closes on them, traded up in the first round to tread water at a position that was pretty solid to begin with. To be fair, Welbourn punched his own ticket out of town by running his mouth.

OK, let’s get a 'backer in the second round, and maybe the Andrews pick starts to excite me a bit more. Oh, that’s right, we don’t have one any more, because we used it to get Andrews. Crap.

Third round, I’m looking at Mel’s best available list, and I keep saying to myself- “Matt Ware? Nobody thinks Matt Ware’s worth a third-rounder?” So the Eagles took him. I’ll be damned- this guy is a freaking player. Little raw, yeah, but I like him. I would have preferred that they not need to draft him, because I think Vincent or Taylor, or both, should have been resigned, but I digress. This is about the draft, and I think Ware was an absurd value. Won’t help against the run, though. My gut begins to rumble- end of the first day, still suck against the run.

Round four. Two picks at the bottom, have to grab some value at linebacker with one of them, at least. First pick- J.R. Reed, safety from USF. The rage begins. A second DB? Out of three picks? Good God, are we rebuilding or trying to win the Super Bowl? Unless they draft a miracle somewhere below here, they’ve gotten one starter out of this draft. Not good. Second pick has to be a difference maker. With the 131st pick in the NFL Draft, the Eagles select: Trey Darilek, G, UTEP.

Son of a bitch. Offensive line. Two of them, two DB’s. Did the Eagles secretly swap rosters with the Browns? What the hell is Trey Darilek going to do in the short-run? Back up your first rounder?

At this point, I gave up on this draft. Well, I still watched, but not with the same fervor. Much less fervent. Thomas Tapeh in the fifth, who I like. Sort of an Alstottish tweener, but a better athlete. Possibly the best football body I’ve ever seen. I think he could actually play some this year. Andrew “Just Happy to Be Here” Hall in the sixth, which really put me into a rage. I doubt he’ll be on the roster. Doubt he expected to even get drafted. Dexter Wynn in the sixth, Adrien Clarke in the seventh. I’ll give you two freakin’ guesses what positions they play. CB and guard, respectively, putting the totals at three DB’s, three linemen, zero linebackers. Two picks remaining, but I’m pretty sure Dick Butkus isn’t draft-eligible. I hate to be one of those guys who says he knows better than the professionals, but Jesus. The Patriots and Ravens seem to be making what I consider to be fairly obvious picks, and they’ve both won Super Bowls recently. It’s not that hard, is it? Look at your team, decide what you need, go get it, then take the best available players with the rest of your picks. Reid doesn’t do that, and now it looks like the same old thing. Quick- name a rookie Reid has drafted who paid off immediately. If you said Brian Westbrook, your answer is accepted. Otherwise I can’t think of much.

Welcome to the thread Jimmy Chitwood, I like people who take their football seriously. If you guys make the Superbowl, you might have the Niners to thank. Still I wonder how Owens is gonna work out in Philly, I hear your fans can be pretty tough.

Back to the Niners. As far as the defensive side of the ball goes, the Niners defiency is the Line. I’d put our line backing core against any in the league, so do we get a Defensive End or Tackle, of course not they draft another LB. Grrrr!!! We did draft a corner, so somebody was paying attention.

I’m still waiting to see who else we drafted.

Ryan K As a former Detroiter, and having watched Detroit the last two seasons, just about anything they did would be an improvement.

I’m a Giants fan.

I never had much faith in Kerry Collins, so I’m glad that we finally have a legitimate replacement on board. And, of course, it is exciting to nab a prospect of Eli Manning’s caliber.

That said, we overpaid. Whatever happened to Roethlisberger? Hell, we could have swapped picks with the Browns (who wanted Sean Taylor) and gotten at least an extra 2nd and 3rd round pick (remember, Clevland gave up their 2nd this year so they could move up one spot). Then we could have taken Roethlisberger at pick #7. So which would you rather have:

A: Eli Manning.

B: Ben Roethlisberger, a 1st rounder next year, an early 2nd this year, an early 3rd this year, a third next year, and a 5th next year.

Jesus, when I write it all down like that, it isn’t even close. I think the problem may have been that the Giants didn’t have a prearranged deal with the Chargers when they picked Rivers at #4. Everyone knows the Giants don’t really want Rivers, so we immediately lost all leverage. By doing it that way, we also gave up the benefit of having such a high pick. If, say, the Bills had taken Rivers with the #13 pick, they could have gotten basically the same deal from the Chargers that we got by taking Rivers w/ the #4 pick. That’s awful.

Of course, on my Giants draft board, the top looked like this: #1, Gallery. #2, Sean Taylor. In other words, we should have just taken the best defensive player in the draft (who also happens to fill an area of need). The Giants would have one of the best secondaries in the league if they made that pick.
In the 2nd round, we took OG Chris Snee . . . whose baby’s momma is Katie Coughlin, Tom’s daughter. Since most teams had OG Smiley rated ahead of Snee, this is very suspicious. At the least, we probably could have traded down a bit and gotten the same player.

No 3rd rounder due to the Manning trade. With the first pick on day two, we could have picked either CB Poole or DT Sopoaga, either of whom could conceivably have been taken in the first round, and both at positions where we lack depth. Instead we take . . . some who-dat OLB who’ll never get off the special teams unit. :frowning:

Ugh. I give the Giants a “C”.

Oops, didn’t realize my mother was logged on. *Little Cloud is not a big football fan, believe it or not. The above post is mine.

As a Dolphins fan(which I’m not really sure why I am) i usually don’t pay much attention to the draft as Miami usually trades it’s picks away for established players. This is the first time in a long time they have had a first round pick. But lost their 2nd and third rounds. All in all for they what they had to work with they did well. They needed O-line and took Wells first round which was the best they could do at that pick. Pape was an absolute steal in the 7th round, and Rex Hadnot might develop as well. Will Poole in the fourth is pretty damn good luck-out as well,

Overall player grade b
Overall drafting grade considering what picks they had to work with A

FWIW, Snee was the #2 guard on my list behind Carey. Smiley was #5.

I agree that you guys WAY overpaid for Manning when you could have had Big Ben. But the Steeler nation salutes the Gaints front office for allowing him to fall to us! :slight_smile:

Yes he was, and I can’t believe Pgh didn’t pull the trigger on him with one of their three 6th round picks.

Great value for you Pape and Poole picks.

My team has had one first-day pick in the last two drafts, so yesterday was great.
Then they actually got on the clock.


Stupid, stupid Bucs.

R1- Michael Clayton. So, you’ve got Keenan McCardell, who is admittedly getting a little long in the tooth but was eighth in recieving yards last season. Then you’ve got Joe Jurevicius, a career #3 who’s been crying out for a starting spot for years. Then you’ve got Charles Lee, who, while not the deep-ball savior the pundits tagged him as (after one freaking catch), might actually turn out to be a decent pro. Finally, you’ve got Joey Galloway, still among the three or four fastest guys in the league.
Then, of course, you’ve got a starting tailback who will probably be in jail for a quarter of the regular season (Pittman), one who got too old to play for the Raiders (Garner), two who were third-stringers on teams with so-so rushing attacks (Brandon Bennett and Jamel White), and you let by far your most promising back go in free agency.
So, do you go out and draft the best back in the class, who’s fallen into your lap at 15? Oh hell no. You go draft the fourth-best wide reciever. Great. Still, he’ll be a useful guy down the road- just not for the next two seasons.
R3- Marquis Cooper. A 210 pound middle linebacker, in the NFC South. Stephen Davis/Deuce McAllister vs. 210 pounds. Oh dear.
Actually, I’m somewhat hopeful that they’ll take this kid and teach him to play safety, because he can hit. He also covers pretty well for a linebacker. I see a career in kick coverage if he stays at LB and can’t bulk up by at least 20 pounds though.
R4- Will Allen. This pick I love. I’m not sold on John Howell or Jermaine Phillips as guys with starting ability at the strong safety spot, but I could definitely see this kid as a future All-Pro.
R5-Jeb Terry. After last year, any help on the O-line is good help. Another guard can’t hurt. The general buzz seems to be that this guy is good value at #146.
R6-Nate Lawrie. Can never have too many blocking tight ends when you run bunch formations, and Chucky runs a lot.
R7-Two nobodies, one guy who I’m calling a real find. Lenny Williams was the best player on arguably the best defense in 2A the last two years. You can never have too many 4.3 corners either.

Grade: C-

There’s a whole lot of gambling in these picks, and while I imagine any two of these guys are going to be superstars, the others will be cutting the grass at Raymond James within two years.

Detroit had the best first-day, well, maybe ever… but when exactly have you said it’s a good year to be a Lions fan before?

I’m not sure where Wells came from. I mean Vernon Carey of course

Like mouthbreather, I am a Steelers fan…and I was thrilled to see us pick up Roethlisberger. Fantastic pick up for us. Hopefully, with Maddox still capable, we can groom him into a star quarterback, and not have to rely on instant gratification by throwing him to the wolves. I really hope he performs as expected, since we have needed a star caliber QB for about 20 years now.


The Patriots did great even before the draft by picking up Corey Dillon. And they lucked out by landing Vince Wilfork. But the selection of Ben Watson seems to have all the draft experts flummoxed. It’s not really a position of need for the Pats, and Watson wasn’t even the best tight end on the board according to most people.

The Raiders surprised me by not making any goofy trades and by taking the player everyone thought they should. I was a little surprised at their selection of a center in the second round – not that they couldn’t use a center to replace noted space cadet Barret Robbins, but TWO non-sexy O-line picks in a row at the top of the draft is so NOT the Raiders’ style.

Every year baby…you’ve got to be loyal, even during the “rebuilding” years. Oh yeah… Superbowl 2005 -Lions, by 104…(Bill Swartzki moved to Detroit).

Ahem… :slight_smile: