I am slowly going crazy

1 2 3 4 5 6 Switch

This is the first time since junior high school that I haven’t had a steady paycheck.

My working situation at the moment is that I am doing call work. For the past few weeks I have been fairly busy but this week is excruciatingly slow.

I am not one to sleep in and I have already cleaned the house, taken the dog for her walk, finished reading my book (everybody dies in the end) and established that daytime TV sucks. I find myself watching the cartoons because they are more intellectual than the rest of the channels (Rupert made a Paradise Lost joke which is more than any Soap has to offer). What do people do during the day, besides read the Dope that is? Maybe I will make some cookies or something like that.

Arg I am going crazy. I hate not having anything to do.


You might go to your local Humane Shelter/ No-Kill Shelter and do some volunteer work for them! They always need dog walkers, and you ARE experienced with that!

Good luck!

You could teach yourself circuit theory and attempt to build electronics.

Thanks for the reminder of that neverending song. Haven’t thought of it in years, and now it’s in my head. Ah, nostalgia for YMCA summer camp…

Crazy going slowly am I! 6 5 4 3 2 1 Switch!
Sorry, I had too.

You could come clean my house and walk my cat.

Do you know any elderly people you could fix dinner for? Do you knit or crochet? Go back to school? Repaint something?