I can't belive it's not sequential threads!

From the Pit:
Inappropriate museum/library behavior
Neighborhood pet sodomized**

Somebody really screwed the pooch.

From ATMB:

Calling all Members with “and” in their name(s)
Where is the Edit button?

It takes all of them to find it?

A GQ twofer:

** How long will a living human heart keep beating after you slice it out?

Is it illegal to be in possession of a human body part? **

You can own it, you just can’t procure it

What does it feel like to go insane?

Kinda different Parralel Universe question **

** Haepy Nem Year

Describe it in three words

** How long will a living human heart keep beating after you slice it out?

Computer Problem: The Program That Won’t Die

** Super Bowl XLI - Chicago Bears vs Indianapolis Colts, February 4th

What does it feel like to go insane?

** I have a date!-Oh, shit, I have a date

I can’t belive it’s not sequential threads!

Oh Dear, apparently I’m a bad date.

Of course, now that I’ve posted this, it’s going to be:

** I have a date!-Oh, shit, I have a date
Oh Dear, apparently I’m a bad date.

**If a GD Religion Thread Were Not Hijacked, What Would It Be Like?

MLK FRIED CHICKEN PARTY! Oh, wait… so that’s not ok?

Your Earliest Memory?
Me, the dog, and this morning

Cafe Society:
** Dairy with seafood- yea or nay?
Regional Pizza Topping Preferences [/b[

Sounds like the old anchovy battle

**What do women find ugly in men?

Hetero Male Rules and Protocol

I have a feeling this one’s true…

**Anyone else have political opinions very different from your parents’?

“I didn’t lie! YOU did, and you’re just forgetting that you are!”

If you’ve been feeling dumb lately, this thread should make you feel better

Useless Facts

I feel so much better now

**Should they count on you to repopulate the earth? **

**Should the Bush daughters enlist? **

Doper parents: When does it end?
Now that’s a dilemma!

I’m on roll here:

**What would an office staffed solely by Dopers be like? **

What does it feel like to go insane?

A threefer!!

**Hetero Male Rules and Protocol

How important is sex?

Should they count on you to repopulate the earth?

** Hetero Male Rules and Protocol
How important is sex?
Should they count on you to repopulate the earth? **

Hell, yes! :smiley:

** Goodbye, Mr. Sam (dog-related, sad)

Describe it in three words
Sad, but accurate

**Ladies…would you get irritated if…
Thinking about changing hairdressers **

(It helps if you know that the first thread was a complaint about a ninety-buck hairdo going unnoticed.)

**What new features do you want on your cell phone?

Hetero Male Rules and Protocol