So, I watched the movie Rounders a few weeks ago and was immediately convinced I’d be ready for a seat at the World Series of Poker next year. Not. It did however pique my interest in actually playing the game so a few weeks ago I started playing at pokerstars.
They start you off with $1,000 in play money, I’ve played exactly 8 times on the site and I’m up to $2,908 in play money now. I mostly play the $1 / $2 blinds with a fixed limit. A couple times I’ve jumped to the $10/ $20 fixed limit tables to see if I could quickly make up some losses. Both times I was successful. Today I played for an hour at the $1 / $2 tables and decided that being up $240 that quickly was time to call it quits.
My only previous experience with poker was 5 card draw years ago at various parties playing for stacks of pennies, nickles, dimes, and quarters. Before jumping into pokerstars I did some quick Googling and I’m using the following 2 links as resources for strategy.
I can’t possibly be ready to play for real money right? Not even under $1 tables right? Everyone who plays the ‘play money’ tables hasn’t even bothered to Google the two links I managed right? It’s all just a ploy to convince me to play for real money right?
I sure as hell don’t have $1,000 to plunk into an account but $100 I wouldn’t mind. Especially if I can milk it for year of cheap Saturday night entertainment and occasionally end up $20 ahead for the night.
So, please tell me experienced players. Should I play at least a year for play money before playing real money or jump in because there’s no comparison to playing for real money, even sub $1 money?