I can't stand my mom, I don't know if I should move though... ideas?

The most likely explanation is that her parent(s) work(s) at the college. Many colleges allow employees and children under a certain age to take classes for free or reduced tuition, with conditions of course. That the child lives with the parent may be one of them.

I get the free tuition at least until I am 26 due to the veteran benefits, it doesn’t have much to do with me living here. However, if I’m going to do it to it’s fullest extent (which I want to) that means full time. I don’t honestly see how I’m going to move out, have a job, AND go to college full time at the same time. Maybe I could do it, but I think it will end up with me needing a roommate which might lead to the same situation which has been happening here.

Then stay at home one more year. It may seem like a long time when you’re 25, but it really isn’t long at all. Immerse yourself in your studies, try to make some friends, and think about what you can do to make mom and dad’s life better. Maybe you can do more chores around the house, or whatever. Make dinner once in awhile. Change the oil in the car(s). Clean the gutters. Fix what’s broken. Keep your room tidy. IOW, be an adult.

I have heard this complaint from kids in small hick towns, and I have heard this same complaint from kids in Chicago, Berlin, LA and Las Vegas.

It sounds to me like it is time to fly the coop. However, you need a plan, not just a vague idea. As long as you have nothing else to do, but apparently do have a computer, how about looking up careers, checking out job availability, checking out schools, looking into scholarships and doing something pro-active?

In other words, time to act like an adult and take matters into your own hands. Get off your butt and figure out what you want to do, where, and how.

Just a thought.