I changed my username.

I used to be known as aryk29. Aryk - as in an alternate spelling of Eric.

Then people started calling me Arky. I’m not sure what, if anything, that means.

So I picked a username that isn’t likely to be misread.

FYI - Arky could be short for “architect”. Anyone who’s an architect here at uni we call Archies (or arkies I guess… I have never seen it spelt).

And now back to our regularly scheduled programming…


Got it.

Is 9/16 your birthday? That’s mine. Carry on, citeroy916.


You sure you like this one better?

I knew somebody was going to ask me that! No, my birthday is 5/3.

I don’t get it - are you guys all misspelling my new name just to be spiteful?

If so - :stuck_out_tongue: :D!

cityboy916 has a certain rugged individualism that arky29 lacked, and is infinitely more memorable.

Ya think so? I thought maybe he was some 30 year old mountain man from arkansas.

Now he’s just another kid from the city with a number fetish :smiley:

Great. For some reason I can’t read your username without breaking into a Foghorn Leghorn accent.

Either that or the owner of the Chinese restaurant from South Park. :smiley:

“Restaurant OWNER.” God forbid I start channeling talking buildings.

Thank you, neuroman! :slight_smile:

Only time I’ve ever been to Arkansas was passing through on my way from Connecticut to Arizona.

I always wondered how old people thought I was. Not in my 30s but you’re welcome to keep guessing :smiley:

Numbers add a sense of individuality, no?

Hmm… maybe I should have gone with cityguy - ah well. The mods won’t want to change it a second time.

citygay? did ya say…not that there’s anything wrong with that :wink:

I said 30 because the 29 you had tagged on the last username…you know how people lie about their age. Well, I’m uh, er, 29 yeah that’s the ticket, 29 and holding.

As far as the 916 goes, maybe you’re 9 going on 16 (heh) or perhaps you like the number because when rotated it is the same.
Really I don’t have a clue. AND yeah, I’ll probably yank your chain for awhile now that you mentioned it. :wink:
(all in fun though)

Bitycoy, got it.

I suppose the whole “reading aryk29 as arky92” thing is the result of people seeing what they expect. If you’ll look around on the boards some you’ll see a long thread about how messing with the itnenral odrer of letrtes in wrods doesn’t matter so much, people will still “see” the words! A side affect of this is that people will tend to read the word they think they should see. “aryk” is not an expected word, so people saw “arky” – perhaps thinking it short for Arkansas, or an architecture student or even a fan of the Ark of the Covenant.

Cbotiyy196 will be much harder to mess up!


Duly noted, John3:16.

Nothing wrong with that but of course I wouldn’t want to misrepresent myself.

29 has always been my lucky number. Even before I found out that my mother was 29 when I was born. (And 53 is her lucky number too.)

I noticed that too, aout the rotated thing. You should see my email (not that I’d post it - it’s been spam free so far) but I cleverly arranged the letters to spell something upside down. :slight_smile:

You should know from this thread that I am older than 21.

9/16" is a common standard size for drill bits and such.

3[sup]2[/sup] = 9
4[sup]2[/sup] = 16

I posted the 916th reply on the 1920s Style Death Rays thread (before the name change).

The area code in Sacramento, CA is 916.

September 16th is the day when the Sun enters the constellation Virgo (note this is the astronomical constellation, which is not the same as the astrological sign).

The Columbia shuttle was scheduled to land at 9:16 AM. :eek:

I’ve always liked that number - maybe it was my birthday in another lifetime… who knows… I’m assuming by now you know I believe in that sort of thing.

Nothing wrong with a little good clean fun. :smiley:

Oh and I forgot to add that, not only am i old enough to drink but I happen to like tequila. :slight_smile:

Wow, I thought your name was ‘arky’ because you were from Arkansas.

Someday I’ll learn to read. I swear.

Maybe they were confusing you with An Arky for some reason. :smiley:

At any rate, I’ve made a note of both your birthday and Jimmy Chitwood’s.

As a bonus, I announced your name change in the Official Record of Name Changes thread.