meat space sounds like you are hanging out in the butcher’s back room, where recognizable things are hanging on hooks. ugh.
can’t we meet IRL or in 3D?
a weak pitting, you say? tough toenails. :mad:
meat space sounds like you are hanging out in the butcher’s back room, where recognizable things are hanging on hooks. ugh.
can’t we meet IRL or in 3D?
a weak pitting, you say? tough toenails. :mad:
We’re all meat puppets in meatspace!
frickin’ meatsacks getting all uppity.
That’s what happens when you go out into the Big Blue Room.
Sung to the tune of Short People Got No Reason to Live:
nope, not having it.
Bakery Space would be acceptable.
I’m pretty sure the purpose of the phrase is for you to dislike it.
You’re a vegan huh?
huh. seems to be working.
We’re all ugly bags of mostly water.
you might suggest we change the name of the planet to Ocean. I’d vote for that.
no, I’m an omnivore.
Well why don’t we coin the phrase “meet space” for personal interactions in the non-corporeal world. Like ‘I can’t go to the club tonight so I’ll see you in the meet space.’ It can cover everything - Facebook, IM, email, chat.
STATEMENT: I prefer the “Organic meatbags” descriptor.
where’s the beef?
In meatspace, naturally!
“so how 'bout you and me get together and slosh around, baby… hey, where you going?”
Turnips made of vinyl, space made out of meat. Something is askew here…
Too bad, suck it.
But, if you would rather say IRL, or 3d, or maybe the actual veracious universe I’d respect those choices.
I find the term meat space to be inelegant but useful. Come up with something better, and I’ll be happy to use it.