I flame you ALL!!!!

It feels so good to be loved by all of you.


This is to Stoidela:
Signatures are meant to be subtle lines that bring a smile; not smart ass lines like:
Boycott Shampoo, demand real Poo!

Seriously, are you out of high school yet?
PS. This was meant to be a flaming mail. I know, it sucks. This is as bitchy and assholish I can get. i better stay in the GQ board.
Thanks. See you there.

Oh Adam, it has nothing to do with love or hate. It has to do with what we want for future generations. And we dont’ want more mindless Christians like you, not because we hate you, but just because it isn’t healthy.

Are YOU ready for Y2K? Take my advice: Panic early and avoid the rush.

Ahh, shaddap, Dex.

January 1, 2000. DATELINE TOPEKA – The most prominent Religious Right members suddenly went missing today, sources at the FBI reported.

Those missing from the United States include Jerry Falwell, Trent Lott, Pat Robertson, Pat Buchanan, Beverly laHaye, Fred Phelps, and George W. Bush.

Nor was America the only nation affected, as prominent religious testifiers vanished around the world.

Australia lost Fred Nile; Jean-Marie Le Pen vanished from France; Shoko Asahara went AWOL in Japan.

The entire population of the Vatican City disappeared without a trace. Italian police are reported to be “startled, but not overly concerned”.

Roughly one-half of the Israeli Knesset failed to show up to work today, as did a fair percentage of the Palestinian Liberation Organization. Ehud Barak and Yassir Arafat are reported “relieved”, as is the entire female population of Afghanistan.

Archbishop Desmond Tutu, now the highest-ranking clergyman left on the planet, said, “There is no reason to fear for the safety of our missing religious leaders. They have been called to another place by God. Finally!”

Interpol is not treating the cases as kidnappings, describing the vanished leaders as “missing, assumed assumed.”

In a related story, several sources in San Francisco, Montreal, London, and New York reported giant shimmering apparitions of goddesses rising from the sea.

“Well, I finally got rid of those a**holes,” the visions purportedly said. “You kids enjoy yourselves now, and play nice this time.”

I say screw the poor and homeless, if they wanted to be out of their situation they would get a job at mcdonalds or something, let them take care of themselves! Charity is for losers! If they want my money they will earn it!

Also vegetarians are freaks, environmentalists are socialists and anti-insdustrialist garbe we should use to stoke the fires of our factories!

Is that anger raising enough?

To deal with men by force is as impractical as to deal with nature by persuasion.

Damn thread turned into a yawning festival.

I’m ready to take the big plunge into my assertiveness exercise–you fart sucking, rat fucking snobs. Especially you grammar mavens–fuck off. I can’t imagine what kind of tight asshole, nit picking, slug would take the time to comment on what is probably a typo. Don’t tell me Cecil already answered this!! I don’t care!! And for the self elected board guards, who sadly think they have finally found a place to call home, fuck off and die. When you stop examining your asshole with a mirror you might find time to care about something that matters…

Oh God…I’m sorry…shit, I don’t know what…oh man…I…I…I love all of you so much. Please forgive me.

You call this a flame? You big blubbering bunch of whore-mongering, knuckle-dragging, shit-for-brains low lifes can lick my piss flaps! I’ve seen better flames on a can of Sterno!

While I admire the effort being put forth, I was really hoping for flames in context to a topic, an idea (or lack of one). I guess I’d have to come up with something, wouldn’t I? Oh well.

I suck.

Are YOU ready for Y2K? Take my advice: Panic early and avoid the rush.

…and that goes for you belly crawling, mealymouthed, bandwidth hogs that must be possessed by the spirit of one of your inbred relatives that force you to LET US ALL KNOW you have made a fucking spelling mistake. Big Fucking Deal! You were probably awake all night worrying that some asshole from the SDMB was laughing through his nose at your apparently low IQ. Well, Fock You! Oh! I’m sooo sorry…that should have been Fuck you! Show some balls next time you post your cryptic drivel for the world to see. When you notice a spelling error, do us all a favor write us a note that we can all have one last laugh at and just kill yourself.

How am I doing, Stoidela? I think I’m getting the hang of it…you cocksucker.

Only silly bitches like Contestant # 3 would say something so fucking stupid like “hind-titty”. What the fuck is a hind-titty?!. Bitch, when you can find something less stupid come back. Until then step off scrub!

That should have been ‘do us all a favor and write us a note…’. Or, perhaps a semicolon would have done nicely. Gosh, how humiliating. I’m really very sorry…if I offended your pansy assed, delicate sense of grammar propriety HEY!!! I’M TALKING TO YOU!!!

The previous few postings show the difference between a properly directed,and honestly felt flame towards a specific subject or person, and an idiot shitting on the floor and proudly proclaiming,“Look what I did!”

The last post, that’s you slythe, is exactly what I mean. We’ve got a flaming Miss Manners dictating what is proper and honest. Fuck you. What kind of pompous asshole are you to tell me my flames are not honest? And proper? Do tell–I’m all ears to hear about proper flames. Meanwhile, piss off on some other board. So far, there is no topic. This is flame school and you’ve made it clear you are the biggest nerd asswipe here.

Can’t any of you mush-brains be creative enough to flame WITHOUT using profanity?

For the love of Mike. Get a thesaurus of something.

“Its fiction, but all the facts are true!”


Previous post should read “Get a Thesaurus OR something.”

(crawling under rock)

“Its fiction, but all the facts are true!”

heeheehee::wiping eyes::

Oh yeah, I haven’t heard good cursing like this since I was in the Navy! Yer killin’ me here, people!

And since I only lurk this part of the board usually, proceed with the humor…er…flames.

And can it be that in a world so full and busy, the loss
of one weak creature makes a void in any heart, so
wide and deep that nothing but the width and depth
of vast eternity can fill it up!
-Charles Dickens “Dombey and Son”

Errata? Uh-huh…what is this, confession? I looked for ‘Fuck You’ in my thesaurus but didn’t find anything.

Now come on guys. That just isn’t nice at all. This is all getting just a little out of hand, don’t you think?

How would you like it if someone called you those things? It’d probably hurt, wouldn’t it? Maybe other people have feelings too. You should think about those things.

And there may be young audiences reading this. Think of the children! You should all really be ashamed of yourselves. Maybe if we just took a moment to calm down and think about some of the things we said, then maybe we can use this as a constructive forum.

I believe if people just really talk to each other, that we can become better people. We’ll learn something about each other, and who knows? Maybe we’ll learn something about ourselves as well.

Running for cover,
Your Quadell