I flame you ALL!!!!

WE are not profanity sensitive; WE merely find the indulgence of four-letter words to be more uncreative than crass.

Speaking of crass, Con #3, you can kiss my crass!

“Its fiction, but all the facts are true!”

How about idiots who don’t read the FAQ of a message board before posting their drivel?

The BBQ Pit was created as a place to move topics (from OTHER forums) if they got too heated.

There, feel better?


Coarse and violent nudity. Occasional language.

Now c#3, you need to wash your mouth out! Didn’t your mother ever teach you politeness? My goodness!

As for the sex-related threads, I have a 4-year-old daughter, so I know the dangers she faces. But if she reads about g-spots, what’s the big deal? I suppose she has one, and I want her to be informed about her own body. If she reads about oral sex, well I suppose she’ll probably give her husband oral sex one day. That’s natural. But cussing hurts people, and worse than that, it hurts God. And being mean to other people hurts too.

So please, in threads where I’ll be looking, can’t everybody just be nice to one another? It makes things so much nicer.

Your Quadell

Oh,oh,oh,oh,oh! I’m kinda’ new around here and haven’t been flamed, yet. Please, someone, burn my little virgin ass so I can get the initiation over with. Then we’ll all punch eachother in the arms and go out afterwards and I’ll buy the beer.

I love you Arg… :wink:

Arg,I love you too!!!

I think I am gonna hurl.


Coarse and violent nudity. Occasional language.

Everyone’s true natures are being revealed, I see.

Quadell, how are we to know which threads you are going to be looking in? And perhaps you should avoid threads like this one…it’s pretty clear wha tyou are likely to find. And the BBQ pit itself, for that matter. Seems you should perhaps go to the other side of the wall where everybody plays nice.

And I don’t think much of anything could hurt God. especially a little nasty language.

Are YOU ready for Y2K? Take my advice: Panic early and avoid the rush.


Quadell is being facetious.

Now fuck off.

Arg, you are THIS close to getting on my"Might Not Want To Have Sex With This Person" list.

Like oh my gawd connie you have show me what a retard i am. I be sho sho soweee i even cursed you out LMFAO!!! Sorry, i dont know these things because i don’t sleep with the pigs like you do connie (wait…that cant be right, even pigs have their standards). So step off scrub!

In French, of course:
Stoidela: Hmm, I’ve got nothing to do… So I think I will torture …(points to Quadell, and shouts] you, aristo-mongreulle!
Quadell: Mongrel? Hah! I look forward to it, proletarian skeunk!
Stoidela: Skunk? Hah! We’ll see about >that<, aristocratic happypotamus!
Quadell: [being led outside] Happypotamus? Hah! We’ll soon see who’s the happypotamus …
Stoidela: [to Quadell] and you, aristo-pig, are trapped!!!
Quadell: Peeg? Hah! You will regret your insolence, revolutionary deug!
Stoidela: Dog? Hah! You will regret your arrogance, royalist snake!
Quadell: Sneag? Hah! (Slaps Stoidela)
Stoidela: How dare you, you filthy weaselle!
Quadell: Weasel? Hah! You’re one to talk, aristo-waat-heug!
Stoidela: Warthog? Hah!
Quadell: Hah!

It only hurts when I laugh.

Still tearing out each others hair I see…Quadell–man, are you sick–you actualy want your 4 year old daughter to read sexualy related material on the net???

…and for the rest of you cubicle slobs who spend the day jerking off when the boss isnt looking…You remind me of 10lbs of Dog shit in a 5lb bag!! All this flaming is good, but dont yall think that we actualy (pardon spelling assholes) need some topic to flame about???

“In wildness is the preservation of the world, so seek the wolf inside thyself”

Moonshine, I am so honored, I don’t know what to do with myself.

Awaiting ideas,
Your Quadell

P.S. For those of you who were going to call the Child Protection Services, I don’t really have a daughter. So go felch yourselves.

I really think this random cursing serves no purpose. I mean c’mon, as other people pointed out, there might be kids reading this thread you UNCLE-FUCKING COCKHOLE-LICKING TAMPON-SUCKING PROSTATE-TASTING SHITBAG ARMPITFUCKS!!! AND YOU WOULDN’T KNOW A GOOD CURSE IF IT CRAWLED UP YOUR ASSHOLE AND LAID EGGS, YOU PANTY-SNIFFING TOILET-LICKING RHINO FELCHERS!!!

Ahhhhh. Anyone got a cigarette?

Okay, RevTim. Yours was the first post that actually made me laugh out loud.

You unholy douchebag.

The best curse I ever heard in my life came from my mother, directed at my sister (charming, eh?)

“You’ve got your head shoved so far up your cunt you are looking out your asshole…and that’s a pretty shitty outlook!”

That’s my mom! Ya gotta love her!

(For those of you concerned about child abuse, my sister was about 35 at the time)

Are YOU ready for Y2K? Take my advice: Panic early and avoid the rush.


Please, stop, the people in the office upstairs are going to hear me! ::wheez, snort::

And can it be that in a world so full and busy, the loss
of one weak creature makes a void in any heart, so
wide and deep that nothing but the width and depth
of vast eternity can fill it up!
-Charles Dickens “Dombey and Son”

I’ve never seen so many people curse with such fucking panache. tips her drink

Awww, my children, this is truly a great world.


He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by
mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice - Albert Einstein

Tempting Quadell, tempting.

It only hurts when I laugh.